A man suspected of using public figures to receive emergency aid from the federal government took a National driver’s license (CNH) fake with player’s name Neymar. According to the Federal Police Olavo Pimentel, who is in charge of the investigations, in April of this year, also investigated an aid of R $ 600 using the player’s data and addresses and telephones of the Ceara.
On Tuesday morning (27), the FP carried out a search warrant and seizure against the suspect in the municipality of Maracanaú, in Fortaleza Metropolitan Region. At the suspect’s address, the documents and means were known and will be sent for examination.
In addition to Neymar, according to PF investigations, the man also used data from businessman Luciano Hang and the Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes. None of those mentioned is involved in the crimes, according to the Federal Police.
According to the PF, the approval of the benefit was also identified in Hang’s name, the amount of which was transferred to the fraudulent account opened with Neymar’s information in April and May of this year.
The investigation also found that the man tried to apply a similar scam using the name of Paulo Guedes, and managed to register several people to receive packages drawn by him.
The delegate affirms that, among the other names used by the woman under investigation, was that of a woman registered as a single mother. With the victim’s data, the suspect received R $ 1,200 in aid in April and May.
If the allegations are verified, the investigated person and the others involved in the fraud contacted in the investigation will be responsible for the crimes of major fraud, forgery of public documents, use of false documents and criminal organization.