Do the mothers of the household receive R $ 600 or R $ 900?


The Federal Government extended the emergency aid until December, but established new criteria for granting the R $ 300 benefit. Mothers who are heads of households continue to have the right to two plots, but now the limit for the payment of new fees is R $ 600 per family group.

In this way, no matter how much help can be given to two members of the same family, if there is a single mother, there will be no second beneficiary in the home. In other words, the family group that initially received R $ 1,800 will now only be entitled to R $ 600, not R $ 900.

The Ministry of Citizenship established that when the family has a mother head of household who receives double the quota, the residual emergency aid will only be paid to the single mother. The other person in the family group who would be entitled to the benefit stops receiving the fees related to the extension. Before, the limit was two shares, regardless of value.

Single mothers registered in Bolsa Família

Another change is that, according to the Ministry of Citizenship, residual aid will be paid in complement way to the amount already received from Bolsa Família. Therefore, when only one person in the family is entitled to the benefit, the total amount will be R $ 300. When there are two beneficiaries or a mother head of the family, R $ 600.

It is also worth mentioning that if the amount of economic benefits received by the family registered in Bolsa Família is equal to or greater than the amount of the extension of emergency assistance to be paid, the family group receives only the benefits of the Bolsa Família Program.

Read more: R $ 300 grant: Caixa releases new withdrawals for a group of beneficiaries. See who they are
