Moro tries to reincarnate with a disastrous speech by a deputy on Constituent – 10/27/2020


A He speaks of the deputy Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), government leader in the Chamber, about the need for a Constituent Assembly to draft a new Constitution is so absurd that he cannot be wrong. The defensive defense was carried out in a virtual seminar promoted by the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ABDConst). In explaining the reasons, Barros made things much worse and even gave the platform to the souls who were in search of a body to embody, as if they were coming out of “Desalma”, the Globoplay series.

Let’s see.

Barros considered that the situation in Chile is a good hook for Brazil. As is known, that country held a plebiscite, and no less than 78% of the voters said “yes” to an exclusive Constituent Assembly, which will draft the new Constitution.

But why do you want a new letter? One of the reasons is this:
“I think we should hold a referendum, as Chile did, so that we can redo the Magna Carta and write the word duties many times, because our Charter only has rights and the citizen must have duties to the Nation.”

I fear that the Norwegians want to emigrate en masse to Brazil in search of our “welfare state”. The deputy continued:
“We no longer have the ability to pay our debt, the interest on the debt has not been paid for many years, the debt has just been refinanced and the effect of the pandemic has grown a lot, and this growth puts us at risk in terms of debt refinancing “.

So let’s see. Chile decided to make a new Constitution because the one there is is a legacy of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. In Brazil, the 1988 Charter was a kind of burial ritual for the dictatorship that had already died.

It does not take too much bidu to understand that Barros considers that there are too many social rights and that they are the cause of the hole in public accounts. In Chile the exact opposite of what the deputy wants is sought. The country of the “daily accounts”, an example to be followed by false liberals like Paulo Guedes and others in these parts, hides one of the greatest inequalities in the world and will therefore put more State in social assistance.

In last year’s figures, the per capita income of Chileans was $ 16,000; that of Brazilians, of US $ 9.2 thousand. And believe me, even so, it can be more difficult to be poor in Chile than in Brazil, where, with all the difficulties, there is a SUS. This indirect gain does not enter per capita income.

By the way: if there was a referendum here, would Barros call on Brazilians to ask for a new constitution with fewer rights? In Chile, we are absolutely sure that the opposite will be done. Or the country explodes.

The comparison makes no sense. But the biggest nonsense was not even that.

The deputy, whose addresses have been the subject of a search and arrest warrant recently – and who, in fact, appeared abusive – cited another reason for a new constitution. According to him, the supervisory power was much greater than the others. He said:
“Judges, prosecutors, tax inspectors, agents of the TCU (Federal Court of Accounts), CGU (Comptroller General of the Union), cause enormous damage with unfounded accusations and do not answer anything for that, they never answer for anything, and the activism judicial political is very intense, much more than we could imagine “.

no one has the right to doubt the minor crimes of Lava Jato, for example, evidenced for six years. If before the Vaza Jato scandal, revealed by The Intercept Brasil website, it was necessary to make a certain effort to break through the cloud of misinformation created by the task force, now it is enough to have a little embarrassment on your face to see what obvious.


A Constituent Assembly, given the current climate, would tend to constitutionalize abusive practices in the name of fighting corruption. And the country needs to do the opposite: respect its Constitution and punish abuse of authority.

What did Barros achieve with his crooked speech? Now, take the late Sergio Moro to the Jornal Nacional to say “morices” in defense of the fight against corruption, which he also did on Twitter. Wrote:
“What has hampered the governance of Brazil in recent years has been rampant corruption and fiscal irresponsibility, not the 1988 Constitution, the Justice, or the MP”.

Conversation with a populist spirit that seeks to reincarnate. The breakdown of public accounts and corruption do not help to govern and are mutually feeding evils. But the end of the crisis to which they have led us has not been determined by one thing or another.

The reason in the political system caused by Lava Jato, this, yes, he gave it to Bolsonaro as an inheritance. Moro also acted as a beneficiary of the disorder he caused. It was not! It attacked due process of law, encouraged the police state, abolished itself in the new order and tried to command it. And he was expelled from there.

It turned out that Barros gave him a bit of a platform. Yes, Moro is still around. You will see that it is difficult to establish yourself as a lawyer …

In addition, the necessary discipline of the Public Ministry can be carried out by the National Congress. Nobody needs a Constituent for this.

In addition, that the deputy, with the added force of who is the leader of the government in the Chamber, helps to demand that the Supreme President, Luiz Fux, vote on his injunction that suspended the creation of the judge of guarantees. It is a step to contain the raptures of the false prophets and of the tabernacles that support the universal judges.
