INSS will not cut the benefit IN THESE conditions until December


The prohibition to cut benefits was extended by the INSS until December, in cases in which the beneficiaries cannot carry out professional rehabilitation. The decision is found in Ordinance 1,070, which was published in the “Official Gazette”.

Rehabilitation is an INSS program, the objective of which is to reintegrate insured persons who receive disability benefits into the labor market.

According to the agency, the purpose of the program is to help policyholders during the period of the coronavirus pandemic. This and other measures have been adopted by the institute since March, when the pandemic began in Brazil.

The lawyer of the Ieprev (Institute for Social Security Studies), Roberto de Carvalho Santos, reports that the INSS regulations face the decision to reopen branches in the country, and with that, not all positions are still fully operational.

“For professional rehabilitation to exist, a multi-professional process of social and medical assistance is required. Sometimes an agreement must be signed with another institution. So it is a whole set of actions to conclude professional rehabilitation, which is a multifactorial measure. It must be done within a complete structure and the INSS, nowadays, is not in a position to complete professional rehabilitation in my opinion ”, he says.

The emergency allowance in the amount of R $ 1,045 can be released in the INSS

A new emergency allowance of a minimum salary, currently worth R $ 1,045, is being proposed by Bill 4644/20. The PL text aims to provide the resource, to be paid in a single installment, to formal workers, retirees and pensioners of the RGPS (General Social Security System) and beneficiaries of the BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit) and RMV (Monthly Income Monthly). .

Written by the deputy Sâmia Bomfim (SP), the project aims to contribute to the repertoire of actions to address the reduction in income of the most vulnerable families caused by coronavirus pandemic. The proposal was presented to the Chamber of Deputies by the PSOL bench, the party to which the parliamentarian belongs.

For employed workers, the proposal foresees the use of the operational salary bonus structure itself as an instrument to mitigate the loss of income. In the text that justifies the project, the deputies cite data from the National Survey by Covid Household Sample (Pnad Covid-19) according to which 41 million Brazilians lacked work in July of this year.

Parliamentarians believe that it would be possible to reach, with the measure, more than 20 million people of working age. According to the justification of the project, “the workers who will be reached receive between one and two minimum wages, perform more precarious and unstable jobs and cannot do it remotely, such as doormen, salespeople and waiters.”

The second pillar of the proposal grants the same emergency subsidy to the public assisted by BPC and RMV, in addition to retirees and pensioners who receive up to two minimum wages.
