Find out who is Daniela Reinehr, vice-governor who temporarily assumes the Government of SC with the removal of Moisés | St. Catarina


With the decision of the court of first instance to accept the complaint against Governor Carlos Moisés (PSL) in the case of a salary increase for state prosecutors, he will be dismissed as of Tuesday (27). As a result, Lieutenant Governor Daniela Reinehr (non-party) assumes the government of Santa Catarina. He was also the subject of a complaint, but the court voted to reject his part.

“It is an honor, but a great responsibility, and the fact that it is the first woman [a governar Santa Catarina] this responsibility increases even more. I have to honor this mission, ”Reinehr said at the end of the session.

Daniela Reinehr was born in Maravilha, in the west of the state, and is 43 years old. She is a lawyer, rural producer and former military policeman. In Chapecó, also in the West, she worked as a lawyer in the areas of business, administrative, civil and foreign trade law.

Reinehr temporarily assumed the government of Santa Catarina between January 6 and 17 of this year, during Carlos Moisés’ vacation.

Initially, it had also been denounced, along with the governor, in the second request for impeachment against Moisés, in the case of 200 respirators purchased for R $ 33 million without a bid. However, Alesc’s special committee that analyzed the issue decided to close the complaint against him.

Session of the court of first instance

The session began on Friday morning (23) and ended at 2 am this Saturday. The meeting took place in the Legislative Assembly of Santa Catarina (Alesc), in Florianópolis. The lieutenant governor accompanied the session in the assembly itself. The governor fulfilled an official agenda in the south and west of the state.

Trial Court accepts accusation lawsuit against Santa Catarina governor

Trial Court accepts accusation lawsuit against Santa Catarina governor

In the case of the governor, there were six votes in favor of receiving the complaint and four against. However, there was a tie in the case of the lieutenant governor. Therefore, the president of the court of first instance, Judge Ricardo Roesler, had to cast the casting vote.

While Moses is away, the court, made up of deputies and judges, needs to pass judgment.

The request for impeachment is justified by the suspicion of a liability crime committed by granting a salary increase to state prosecutors, through an administrative decision, in order to match their salary to that of Alesc’s prosecutors.

The readjustment occurred last year. The author of the document is public defender Ralf Zimmer Junior. According to him, the readjustment should have been made through the approval of a bill in the assembly.

VIDEOS: Voting session in the court of first instance


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