RIO – Operation of the Public Ministry of the State of Rio (MP-RJ) arrested on Friday morning the former state deputy Silas Bento (PSL-RJ) accused of implementing a “cracked” scheme in his office in the Legislative Assembly of Rio ( Alerj). The action also targets Silas’ son, Cabo Frio councilman candidate Vanderson Bento. These are the first arrests of those involved in the Alerj crack scandal.
According to the complaint, Silas also had the participation of the ghost employee Taissa Saldanha Alves, accused of transferring part of the amounts she received to Vanderson. In addition to the arrest warrants against Silas and Vanderson, the MP’s Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime (GAECO) asked the 2nd Criminal Court of Cabo Frio that Taissa attend the court on a monthly basis to report and justify her activities, refrain from keep in contact with Silas and Vanderson and do not leave Cabo Frio for more than 10 days.
All three were denounced for crime and embezzlement. Silas was also denounced for money laundering and extortion.
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Called “In Nomine Patris”, the investigation indicates that Silas appointed Taissa in January 2017 on the condition that the employee did not need to go to his office and only gave the assistant monthly, through Vanderson, R $ 10,000 in salary . approximately R $ 11 thousand.
Also according to the complaint, during the months in which she was appointed parliamentary adviser, from January 2017 to November 2018, Taissa deviated, “for her own benefit and that of the other two defendants,” causing a loss in the pocket of approximately R $ 250 thousand.
Silas Bento assumed the mandate of deputy in place of José Luiz Nanci, elected mayor of São Gonçalo in 2016.
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At the beginning of the week, the MP had also carried out search and seizure orders at the addresses of former state deputy Pedro Augusto (PSD) and three other advisers. According to the MP, the seized material will be analyzed for the police investigation that investigates the possible practice of ‘cracking’ in his old office in Alerj. The investigations are confidential and began with the report of the Financial Activities Control Council (Coaf) in 2018, the same report that gave rise to the investigation into Senator Flávio Bolsonaro and Fabrício Queiroz.