Datafolha Survey in Rio de Janeiro: Paes, 28%; Crivella, 13%; Martha, 13%; Benedita, 10% | 2020 elections in Rio de Janeiro


  • Eduardo Paes (DEM): 28%
  • Crivella (Republicans): 13%
  • Martha Rocha (PDT): 13%
  • Benedita da Silva (PT): 10%
  • Renata Souza (PSOL): 5%
  • Luiz Lima (PSL): 4%
  • Flag of Mello (Rede): 3%
  • Cyro García (PSTU): 1%
  • Clarissa Garotinho (Pros): 1%
  • Fred Luz (new): 1%
  • Gloria Heloiza (PSC): 1%
  • None / blank / null: 17%
  • Don’t know / No answer: 3%

Paulo Messina (MDB), Suêd Haidar (PMB) had less than 1% and Henrique Simonard (PCO) was not mentioned.

In relation to the previous Datafolha survey, published on October 8:

  • Eduardo Paes went from 30% to 28%
  • Crivella went from 14% to 13%
  • Martha Rocha went from 10% to 13%
  • Benedita da Silva went from 8% to 10%
  • Renata souza went from 3% to 5%
  • Luiz Lima went from 1% to 4%
  • Mello Flag stayed at 3%
  • Cyro garcia went from 2% to 1%
  • Clarissa garotinho stayed at 1%
  • Fred light stayed at 1%
  • Gloria Heloiza went from 0% to 1%
  • Paulo messina went from 1% to 0%
  • Suêd Haidar stayed at 0%
  • Henrique simonard had 0% and was not mentioned in the second survey
  • the undecided remained at 3%, and blank or null went from 22% to 17%

According to the survey, Paes has its biggest advantages Between the older (35%, against 13% for Martha, 21% for Crivella and 8% for Benetida); Between the Richer (31%, compared to 10% for Martha, 11% for Crivella and 10% for Benedita); among those who define yourself as white (30%, against 13% for Martha, 11% for Crivella and 8% for Benedita); among those disapprove of the city’s performance in the fight against the pandemic (32%, compared to 13% for Martha, 1% for Crivella and 12% for Benedita); and between catholic (36%, against 16% for Martha, 7% for Crivella and 8% for Benedita).

Also according to Datafolha, the the former mayor of Rio has the worst performances in the following segments: those between 16 to 24 years (24%, compared to 8% for Martha, 17% for Crivella and 15% for Benedita); those who have 25 to 34 years (21%, compared to 12% for Martha, 11% for Crivella and 14% for Benedita); evangelicals (23%, against 10% for Martha, 28% for Crivella and 6% for Benedita); PT supporters (32%, against 10% for Martha, 4% for Crivella and 36% for Benedita); and that approve the performance of the government of President Jair Bolsonaro in the fight against the pandemic (24%, against 10% for Martha Rocha, 28% for Crivella and 3% for Benedita).

Second shift simulations

Datafolha also simulated three second-round scenarios. See the numbers:

  • Eduardo Paes 52% x 22% Crivella (blank / null: 25%; don’t know: 2%)
  • Martha Rocha 45% x 41% Eduardo Paes (blank / null: 13%; don’t know: 1%)
  • Eduardo Paes 48% x 30% Benedita da Silva (blank / null: 21%; don’t know: 1%)

Degree of knowledge of the interviewee about the candidate:

  • Eduardo Paes: 98% know (of these, 63% know very well; 22%, a little; 13% only listen) and 2% do not know
  • Crivella: 98% know (of these, 61% know very well; 23%, a little; 14% only listen) and 2% do not know
  • Benedita: 91% know (of these, 43% know very well; 26% a little; 21% only found out) and 9% do not know
  • Clarissa: 85% know (of these, 28% know very well; 24% a little; 32% only listen) and 15% do not know
  • Martha Rocha: 84% know (of these, 26% know very well; 30% a little; 29% only listened) and 16% do not know
  • Cyro Garcia: 70% know it (of these, 17% know it very well; 21% a little; 32% only listened) and 30% do not know
  • Mello Flag: 39% know it (of these, 13% know it very well; 11%, a little; 16% only heard it) and 61% do not know
  • Paulo messina: 35% know it (of these, 6% know it very well; 13%, a little; 17% only heard it) and 65% do not know
  • Luiz Lima: 32% know it (of these, 5% know it very well; 12% a little; 14% only heard it) and 68% do not know
  • Renata souza: 26% know (of these, 7% know very well; 7%, a little; 12% only knew) and 74% do not know
  • Fred light: 17% know (of these, 2% know very well; 5%, a little; 10% only listen) and 83% do not know
  • Sweden: 17% know (of these, 1% know it very well, 5% a little, 11% only found out) and 83% do not know
  • Gloria Heloiza: 16% know it (of these, 1% know it very well; 5% a little; 10% only heard it) and 84% do not know
  • Henrique simonard: 12% know (of these, 0% know very well, 3% a little, 9% only knew) and 88% do not know

The survey also asked whom voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows:

  • Crivella: 58%
  • Eduardo Paes: 31%
  • Clarissa garotinho: 31%
  • Benedita da Silva: 27%
  • Cyro garcia: fifteen%
  • Luiz Lima: eleven%
  • Paulo Messina: 10%
  • Mello Flag: 9%
  • Fred light: 9%
  • Renata souza: 8%
  • Suêd Haidar: 8%
  • Gloria Heloiza: 8%
  • Henrique simonard: 7%
  • Delegate Martha Rocha: 7%
  • Reject all / would not vote for none: 6%
  • Don’t know / didn’t answer: 2%
  • You could vote for all: 1%

Datafolha also addressed spontaneous voting intention, when the voter says who he will vote for without the names of the candidates being presented. See the results:

  • Eduardo Paes: twenty%
  • Crivella: 8%
  • Martha Rocha: 7%
  • Renata souza: 3%
  • Benedita da Silva: 3%
  • Luiz Lima: two%
  • Mello Flag: one%
  • Others: 4%
  • White / null / none: 17%
  • Don’t know / no answer: 34%
  • Will not vote / will not vote / justify: 1%

The survey was commissioned by TV Globo and by the newspaper “Folha de S.Paulo”.

  • Margin of error: 3 percentage points more or less
  • Who was heard: 1,008 voters in the city of Rio de Janeiro
  • When the survey was conducted: October 20-21
  • Identification number in the Electoral Tribunal: RJ-08627/2020
  • The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.

Electoral polls: what is a sample, margin of error and level of confidence

See who are the candidates for mayor of Rio in the 2020 elections

See who are the candidates for mayor of Rio in the 2020 elections

