Kassio Marques will assume office at STF on November 5; ceremony will only be virtual | Politics


The date was set on Thursday (22) in a hearing between the magistrate and the president of the STF, Minister Luiz Fux. The ceremony, scheduled for 4 in the afternoon, will be a “strictly virtual ceremony”, defined the STF.

Before the approval in plenary, Marques was sabbatical by the Senate Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) for almost ten hours.

He is 48 years old and You can stay in the STF until 2047, when you turn 75 – age at which ministers must retire, according to the current rule.

The Senate confirms the appointment of Kassio Marques to the Supreme Court

The Senate confirms the appointment of Kassio Marques to the Supreme Court

On Saturday, Marques stated that:

Born in Teresina (PI), Kassio Marques was a lawyer for 15 years, was part of the National Commission for Electoral Law and Political Reform of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) in Piauí and was also a judge of the Regional Electoral Court of the state.

Since 2011, Marques is one of the judges of the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region (TRF-1), whose headquarters are in Brasilia. He was elected to the court by then-President Dilma Rousseff and joined the Court in the quota of vacancies for legal professionals.
