
Photo: Adriano Machado / Crusoé
Federal Congressman Marcel van Hattem summarized Kassio Marques’ hearing at the Senate Justice Constitution Committee, which is still ongoing at the time of writing:
“This was more like a floodplain in a crowded Maracana.”
He did not see the place: it is naked in the floodplain of the Bangu field. And the Bangu camp watched in awe at the STF nominee of Jair Bolsonaro to anticipate a possible vote in his future position.
As we noted, Kassio said he had no objection to imposing quarantine on judges who want to run. He says:
“I do not see any difficulty, from the legal-normative point of view, nor do I see any difficulty from the social and political point of view, for the establishment of a quarantine of magistrates. Unfortunately, the building is being proposed and debated by one or another magistrate, for having given one or another decision that would shine personally and would create a favorable environment for the magistrate to come, tomorrow, to apply ”.
It is as radiant as the sun in the interior of Piauí that the objective of the speech is Sergio Moro, who can become a candidate for the presidency of the Republic in 2022. As a guarantor depends on the client, no one can guarantee that if the magistrates will be forced to Quarantine to apply, a very relevant matter for a sabbatical year, the rule will not be set by hand to become retroactive – and, thus, reach the former Lava Jato judge.
Excited by the affection of the fans at the Bangu Stadium, Kassio Marque went further and addressed what he called “pre-election judicial intervention”. He said, “When is the right time? Would it be possible to start operations near the electoral period? This is a debate for Congress. “Packed, she stated that” there are other [propostas, além da quarentena] that could give a suitable distance. For example, if the case is not processed until a certain time, the judge must wait a moment so as not to influence the popular decision with jurisdictional acts that may influence the voter’s decision.
The undisclosed subject here is also Moro. He is accused of improperly influencing the 2018 elections, when he was a Lava Jato judge, by raising part of Antonio Palocci’s award-winning argument on the eve of the elections. Going into the topic, without mentioning names, Kassio Marques gives Moro a wink and a wink at Gilmar Mendes, who blessed his appointment to the STF. In 2018, when asked about the fact that Moro opened Palocci’s complaint, Gilmar stated: “I’m not going to talk about the case. I have criticized all these interventions of the Judicial Power (in the elections) and I think that it will be necessary to think of an institutional model (to avoid it) ”.
The anticipation of a favorable vote by Kassio Marques to the suspicion of Sergio Moro, in the process brought by Lula in the STF, if already expected, has now become a logical conclusion, judging by his considerations. Between flaps and winks, the anti-Moro team and Lava Jato won another center forward.
No, Van Hattem, it is not Maracanã.
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