
Still shocked and shocked by the loss of five-year-old Aghata Vitória Santos Godinho, who was beaten to death on Monday afternoon (19), the family members were unable to return to their own homes. The girl lived with her mother, brother and stepfather, the main suspect of having committed the crime, in a residence in the Cidade Nova neighborhood, in Serra.
In conversation with the report of TV Vitória / Record TV, a relative of the girl, who preferred not to identify himself, said that there is no one in the house where the family lived. The 23-year-old mother of the boy cannot return to the place where it all happened. She is kept by her brother’s house.
According to the relative’s story, Elisnay Borges Eloy, the child’s stepfather, was loved by the little girl, who affectionately called him ‘Nanay’, and no one ever suspected that he represented a danger. On the day of the crime, the girl would have gone to her grandmother’s bar to buy sandwiches and she was happy, because her stepfather had given her the money.
The relative also said that Aghata’s mother and partner started dating and soon decided to live together. And that the man never showed aggressive behavior, on the contrary. The relative says that Aghata loved her stepfather and that he always took her on one of his favorite walks: going to the beach.
“We never thought he was going to do that, he took her to the beach, they proved to be a very happy couple. We didn’t see any threats. If we saw our lady, we would do something, no one would accept.” Not that. Everyone said they were good people. Everyone was saying, ‘Now he found someone good,’ ”he reported.
Still, according to the report, the scare was so great that the suspect’s father, when he found out what the son had done, fell ill and died.
“His family is not to blame, you know, not even a father does not know that he creates a monster inside the house. If the father knew that his son was a monster … so much so that he even died, poor thing,” he said.
Elisnay Borges Eloy is 35 years old and was arrested on the spot last Tuesday (20). He was transferred to the Viana Triage Center and there his prison was converted into preventive by the Justice, after a custody hearing.
The TV Vitória / Record TV report tried to contact the girl’s biological father, but received no response. According to the family, very shocked, the man became ill and could not accompany his daughter’s funeral.
>> Read also: Suspect to beat a 5-year-old girl to death has converted into preventive prison
* With information from the reporter Marla Bermudes, TV Vitória / Record TV