Bolsonaro already predicts the amount of the aid substitute; look how much


THE emergency help you keep paying until December 2020, with the already defined value of R $ 300. Immediately after the benefit payment, the government’s intention is to launch a new program. The expectation is that the Citizen income be created before the end of the year.

The new program should replace Bolsa Família and be a kind of continuation of emergency aid. However, the government is currently facing difficulties in defining the form of financing the Citizen Income. After speaking publicly about Citizen Income for the first time and considering ways of financing, the market did not react well and the government backed down.

Paulo Guedes, Minister of Economy, said recently that there will be no more extensions of emergency aid and that it will definitely end at the end of this year.

According to Lauro Jardim, from the newspaper O Globo, the president warned Guedes about the substitute for emergency aid. According to the columnist, the president stated that the replacement, which should take effect in January 2021 it cannot be less than R $ 300 per month, present value of residual emergency aid.

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Launch of the program

The final version of the Renda Cidadã program can only be presented after the municipal elections, according to Senator Márcio Bittar (MDB-AC), rapporteur of the proposal.

“Anything can happen after the elections,” a source involved in the talks told Reuters.

The new program has been one of the current points of conflict between the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, and Congress. After backing, the minister denied agreeing with the recent form of financing of the program, which envisaged using resources from Fundeb and precautions.

See also: Help of R $ 300: CAIXA will pay 4 installments only in half
