DF has 11 courses with maximum concept in Enade; 10 are from UnB


posted on 10/20/2020 09:30

The University of Brasilia has 10 courses with maximum qualification in Enade - (credit: Iano Andrade / CB / DA press.)

The University of Brasilia has 10 courses with maximum qualification in Enade – (credit: Iano Andrade / CB / DA press.)

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), released this Tuesday (10/20), the results of the National Student Performance Exam held last year, the Enade 2019 In the Federal District 150 courses were evaluated (see the performance of all of them here). Of this universe, only 11 obtained the concept 5, the highest (the marks go from 1 to 5). Of these, ten are from the University of Brasilia (UnB).

In the federal institution, the 5 concept courses were: architecture and urbanism (comprehensive and night), environmental engineering, civil engineering, production engineering, mechanical engineering, pharmacy (comprehensive), nutrition and dentistry (these nine from Campus Darcy Ribeiro ) and nursing at the Ceilândia Campus (see the concept of the other UnB courses below). The eleventh course of the DF with concept 5 is the nursing course of the Faculty of Health Sciences, a public institution of the DF.

The data from the capital reflect a reality observed in the rest of the country. In general, the performance of students from public institutions was better than that of students from private universities and colleges. The data also show a better result among students of face-to-face courses in relation to those who learn at a distance.

In total, UnB had 28 courses evaluated. See the concept of each of them:

Campus Darcy Ribeiro (Pilot Plan)

  • Agronomy – 4
  • Architecture and urbanism (comprehensive) – 5
  • Architecture and urbanism (night) – 5
  • Physical Education (Baccalaureate) – 4
  • Nursing – 4
  • Environmental Engineering – 5
  • Civil Engineering – 5
  • Computer Engineering – 4
  • Control and Automation Engineering – 4
  • Production Engineering – 5
  • Electrical engineering (comprehensive) – 4
  • Electrical engineering (night) – 3
  • Forestry Engineering – 4
  • Mechanical Engineering – 5
  • Chemical Engineering – 4
  • Pharmacy (comprehensive) – 5
  • Pharmacy (night) – 4
  • Medicine – 4
  • Veterinary Medicine – 4
  • Nutrition – 5
  • Dentistry – 5

Ceilândia Campus

  • Nursing – 5
  • Pharmacy – 4
  • Physiotherapy – 4
  • Speech therapy – 4

Gamma Campus

  • Electrical Engineering – 4
  • Mechanical / Automotive Engineering – 4
  • Mechanical / Aerospace Engineering – 4

What is Enade and what does it measure?

Enade is one of the assessment processes that are part of the National Higher Education Assessment System (Sinaes) and seeks to measure the performance of students in relation to the knowledge, skills and abilities developed during the course. Each area is evaluated every three years.

In 2019, students who completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering took the exam; architecture and urbanism; agricultural Sciences; health sciences and related fields, in addition to those of higher technology courses in the areas of environment and health; food production; natural resources; military and security. This adds up to 29 courses (see list below). These areas will be evaluated again in 2022.

The Enade test consists of 40 questions, 10 of which are for general education (evaluating aspects of professional training) and 30 for a specific component (with specific questions about the course in which the student is graduating). This test allows the MEC to produce, in addition to the Enade concept, also the Indicator of Difference between Expected and Observed Performance (IDD).

The Enade concept is calculated from the performance of the students in the test. The IDD also takes into account the student’s performance on the National Baccalaureate Exam (Enem), to measure the value added by the course to the development of graduate students.

Download the tables with the results

It is possible to consult the complete tables of all the courses evaluated in Brazil. To download (in Excel format), simply click on the links below:

Table with the Enade concept of all courses in Brazil
Tables with the IDD of all courses in Brazil

Courses evaluated in Enade 2019:

bachelor’s degree

  • Agronomy
  • Architecture and Urbanism
  • biomedicine
  • Physical education
  • Nursing
  • Environmental engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Food Engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Control and automation engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Electric engineering
  • Florestal Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Medicine
  • Veterinary Medicine

Superior in technology

  • Agribusiness technology
  • Technology in aesthetics and cosmetics
  • Environmental management technology
  • Technology in hospital management
  • Radiological Technology
  • Technology in occupational safety

* Scholars under the supervision of Ana Sá.
