The fugitive of AmazonLenon Oliveira do Carmo, 39, arrested last Saturday (17) in Ceará, even underwent plastic surgery on his face to hide from the police. The suspect, however, could not escape the history of crimes attributed to him, which indicates him as a participant in a massacre and, also, as responsible for diverting the flow of a river.
One of the most violent crimes in which the suspect participated, according to the Secretariat of Public Security of Amazonas (SSP-AM), was a massacre that occurred in January 2017, at the Antônio Jobim Penitentiary Complex (Compaj), situated in Manaus. In the slaughter 56 detainees were brutally murdered.
According to SSP-AM, in addition to having been arrested for drug trafficking, an association for trafficking, homicides and environmental crimes, Lenon Oliveira also commanded land invasions in Manaus. In one of the contracts, a place was invaded and, in it, a leisure club for traffickers was created, where the fugitive even diverted the course of a river to have his own natural spa.
Police in that state suspect the club would serve as a kind of “bunker“, where the criminals would put together strategies to plan the escape of traffickers imprisoned in a closed regime in the prison system.
Militia Leader in Amazonas
According to SSP-AM, Lenon is named author of multiple homicides related to drug trafficking, which took place in Manaus, capital of the State of Amazonas. Responding to a series of lawsuits that together add up to more than 60 years in prison for convictions, the fugitive led an armed militia in charge of the sale of narcotics.
The fugitive commanded drug trafficking in several neighborhoods in the capital of Amazonas. He was transporting narcotics along the city’s waterfront.
According to Pasta, Lenon was a member of a criminal faction that operated in Amazonas, however, about two years ago, he changed criminal group, becoming part of an organization of origin in Rio de Janeiro, in which he held a position. I send.
The fugitive was considered a kind of executive of inmate Gelson Carnaúba, known as “Mano G”, head of the criminal group in Rio de Janeiro.
Prison and luxury living in Ceará
Also according to SSP-AM, Lenon was detained in Caucaia, in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (RMF). The suspect sported a luxurious life with his family. His capture, for example, occurred while the fugitive was visiting his new home, a luxurious home located a few meters from the Icaraí Beach.
Before being captured in Ceará, Lenon Oliveira had already changed identity, changing its name to Aylon Soares Cardoso. He had been on the run since 2018, when the suspect was transferred from the Amazonas state penitentiary system to a unit in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte.
However, upon returning to Amazonas, the fugitive obtained from Justice the right to house arrest, using an electronic anklet. After destroying the team, he fled the state.