
a incndio arrived at the substation Calafate, from Cemig, in the Western Region of Belo Horizonte. There is no information yet on the causes of the fire. Part of the region has no Energy eltrica.
Update 09h13 – The neighborhoods Prado, Calafate, Carlos Prates, Barroca, Gameleira, Nova Sua and Nova Granada are the most affected https://t.co/08HTt4RjDU
% u2014 OficialBHTRANS (@OficialBHTRANS) October 19, 2020

In note, a Cemig confirmed the occurrence and lack of energy. “The Company reports that it immediately shut down the facility remotely and called the Fire Department. The company’s teams are now at the substation to work on the normalization of supply and find out the causes of the accident, ”says the company.

According to information provided in the site report, there is a suspicion that cable theft may have contributed to the fire, as a makeshift wooden ladder was removed from an underground cable access on the substation sidewalk. (With information from Juárez Rodrigues)