published on 10/19/2020 06:00 / Updated on 10/19/2020 06:17

(credit: Marcelo Ferreira / CB / DA Press)
Following a schedule established in a hearing between educational entities, schools that attend the last years of primary school (6th to 9th grade) will be able to resume activities as of today. According to the Union of Private Educational Establishments of the Federal District (Sinepe-DF), it is estimated that around 12 thousand children and adolescents of these grades will return to classrooms, out of a total of 43,228 students enrolled in this stage.
Early childhood education and the first years of primary school returned to schools on September 21. The return from high school, vocational education, and adult and youth education (EJA) is scheduled for October 26. The estimate is that 45 thousand students will finish the academic year in person.
For the president of Sinepe-DF, Álvaro Domingues, the experience has been positive. “Considering the number of schools and the number of students (on the order of 20,000) that have returned so far, there were manageable complications. We hope that this also happens from the 6th to the 9th year ”, assesses the president. According to Sinepe, the unforeseen events registered in this period of almost a month resulted in three confirmed cases of covid-19.
The Union of Private School Teachers of the Federal District (Sinproep), however, reports that 10 teachers had positive tests for the new coronavirus. However, the institution’s return balance is also favorable. “It has worked well. Schools have followed protocol. We request the immediate removal of the teachers who tested positive and the people with whom they had contact, ”says Rodrigo de Paula, legal director of Sinproep.
He considers that few students should return to face-to-face activities at this second moment, as in the case of the initial stages. “Starting in the sixth year, distance education has been working well and, as we are almost reaching the end of the school year, I think a good part of the families will leave to take their children to schools just next year” , complete.
The Association of Parents and Students of Educational Institutions of the Federal District (Aspa-DF) analyzes that the return of face-to-face activities in many schools has been important, especially in the case of parents who returned to work physically and young people who did not adapted to remote teaching. “There has been a very strict control and the protocols are being followed. The most important thing is the parents’ report that the students are, in some way, returning to learning and self-esteem ”, argues the president of the association, Alexandre Veloso.
However, Aspa-DF asks for more transparency from the schools. According to Veloso, parents ask everyone to inform the school community about suspected cases of the disease in that setting immediately. However, Sinepe-DF explains that this is not the union’s recommendation. “We cannot reveal that a person was suspected of having the disease under pain of embarrassment. For this reason, it is only disclosed after medical attention, precise confirmation and, even so, it is disclosed that it is, but the person’s name is not disclosed, ”argues Domingues.
The coffee producer Cristiane Zancanaro Simões, 43, is the mother of three children: Felipe, 6, Bruno, 10 and Luca, 13. They all study in the Marist school network. The two youngest returned to face-to-face activities. Now it will be Luca, the oldest, who is eager for the restart. “They are coming back much happier and I see that they are learning the content that is being delivered much faster. The emotional part is working and the learning part is working too ”, the coffee grower evaluates.
Although the return to elementary school 2 is scheduled for today, Luca, who is in the eighth grade, will not set foot in the school again until November 3. This is because more than half of the students in the class expressed a desire to return. It will be part of the rotation between students in person. Cristiane is satisfied with the security measures adopted by the school.
According to her, there are no crowds, hygiene rules are respected and the boys wear their masks all the time. “I didn’t have a traffic jam, and when you pick up the kids, the employees call on the walkie talkie and bring it to you. It gives me a lot of security ”. Cristiane also praises the organization for recess: she reports that students are not scattered throughout the school. Students are released for classes.
Although the Federal District Transit Department (Detran-DF) carries out actions in front of the schools every week back to school, this time it will be different. The agency will take advantage of educational campaigns, which have been carried out in Children’s Month, and will intensify safety guidelines for pedestrian crossing, bicycle safety, and transporting children. The issues will continue to be worked on until next week in the streets of the capital.
With the resumption, although gradual, of classes, it is common for traffic to become a little heavier, however, according to Detran-DF, the Directorate of Traffic Surveillance and Surveillance will control the flow, but, for now, it will not be expect new actions to improve the fluidity of vehicles on the streets of Mexico City.
Secretary of hospitalization
Diagnosed with covid-19 since last Wednesday, the Secretary of Education, Leandro Cruz, was admitted to a semi-intensive unit of the Santa Luzia Hospital, yesterday afternoon. In a note, the Department of Education reported that “the hospitalization was due to a medical recommendation.
The patient spent the day with a constant fever and a lot of fatigue, but his general condition is good and, as a precaution, he will be under observation for the next few days ”.
Security protocols
The Back-to-Class Guide provides several safety measures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus in school settings. Among them are:
»Reduction to 50% of the maximum number of students per class
»Use of masks
»Put 70% alcohol gel within everyone’s reach
»Frequent hygiene and disinfection of environments and equipment
»Readjustment of physical spaces, respecting the minimum distance of two meters
»Limit the maximum capacity of people in classrooms, libraries, shared environments and elevators
»Staggered definition of breaks, meals, exits and entrance to the classrooms, as well as the times of use of gyms, libraries and patios.
»Shift of days or hours by employees
»Prioritization of natural ventilation of the environment
»Preference for meetings and
remote events
»Prohibition of physical contact
»Withdrawal of suspected covid-19 employees and students
Schedule and gradual return
9/21 – Early childhood education and primary school years
10/19 – Last years of primary school
10/26 – Baccalaureate, vocational and technological education and Youth and Adult Education (EJA)