This Saturday, October 17, the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, confirmed that the Government will maintain its commitment to limit public spending below the ceiling. According to the holder of the portfolio, the measure will be adopted even if it is necessary to abandon the new social program, the Citizen Income.
According to Guedes, it is better to leave Bolsa Família as it is than to create and expand a new program that does not have fiscal sustainability.
“If we cannot find the space to do a better program, we will return to Bolsa Família. It’s better to go back to Bolsa Família than to try to make a crazy and unsustainable move, ”he said.
Guedes revealed that the government will not be populist and also guaranteed that the replacement of Bolsa Família will be fiscally sustainable, within the spending ceiling rule.
“There is no trick,” Guedes said. He noted that larger cash transfers could be made with cuts in subsidies and deductions for the highest income classes. “There is no discussion about the (spending) ceiling,” Guedes said.
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- Served: 14.2 million families
- Amount paid: R $ 190 (on average)
- Original budget in 2020: R $ 32 billion
Emergency help
- Served: 67.2 million people (until August)
- Amount paid: R $ 600 from April to August and R $ 300 from September to December (single mothers receive double)
- Budget in 2020: R $ 321.8 billion
Citizen income (previous forecast)
- Served: 20 million families
- Amount paid: around R $ 240
- Budget: R $ 57.6 billion
Citizen income (new forecast under discussion)
- Served: at least 17.2 million families
- Amount paid: around R $ 240
- Budget: at least R $ 49.5 billion
See also: Payment of aid EXTENDED between R $ 261.25 and R $ 1,813.03