From love to hate! The “Likes” party of “A Fazenda 2020”, at dawn today, had a mixture of peace with reconciliations, pawns on pawns, ‘silly hand’ and a fury to crown with a key the fifth party of the RecordTV reality show of gold.
The great news, however, is that there was no punishment after the event, for the first time in the 2020 edition of the rural appeal. Do you want to know the night flyers? Come with us!
Nudge Festival
The fury of Raissa Barbosa, yesterday afternoon, was the topic of conversation between MC Mirella, Luiza Ambiel and Victória Villarim during the “Likes” party. Without irony, Mirella annoyed her confinement colleague for being too hesitant with subsequent fits of anger.
I gave her the chance to befriend her, because Jojo asked me to talk to her. I was very friendly with Raissa, but she hesitates too much. You will have to break your face to learn. I won’t talk anymore. “
It went wrong, Biel!
Biel took advantage of the climate of peace and love to try to reconnect with Jojo Todynho. However, the funkeira did not want to hear about it and said they did not feel like ‘exchanging ideas’ with the funkeiro.
Biel, pay attention, I’m not a fake person. This is my way. Never in my life will I be calm with you, I know myself. I wanted to be like people who put stones on top of things, but I can’t ”.
Don’t chat with Luiza
Jojo even tried to get there on MC Mirella. The funkeira is irritated by the position of Luiza Ambiel, who gossiped at Mariano to Biel and caused controversy, and no longer wants to chat with the actress.
Luiza is a person who, for me, has already ended here. I don’t want to take it out. I don’t want to and I don’t even want to talk. “
After a heated discussion about Mariano’s transfer to the fifth estate of “A Fazenda 2020”, last Wednesday Lipe Ribeiro let go of his ego and looked for Lucas Maciel to settle with his friend even before the closure of the attraction. .
Our friendship is great. The way we treated each other and defended each other was very screwed up. This may end and everyone will go to one side of the game, but I won’t let the friendship end. Those two days were the worst of my life. I swear to god”.
#BFF – Jake and Sté are friends again
Across the dance floor, Jakelyne Oliveira and Stéfani Bays had a reckoning. After a very close reality show began, the digital influencer decided to get away from the model and the good atmosphere of the “Likes” party revealed the reason: Tays Reis.
“Do you know why I left Jake? For Tays. You will see outside that you pushed me away. It made me angry. I’m jealous and I prefer to walk away because I hate that feeling,” said the peoa.
Jake accepted the message from his open-hearted friend, but warned that his departure was caused by his colleague. “I love you. In fact, I love you and I’m going to stand up for you. I just don’t feel like you’re a priority here. I always felt like I was a piece out when you had all the girls.”
Biel and Mariano are still not well
And Biel and Mariano? Yes, passers-by had a face-to-face chat to discuss the week’s confusion that began with the peasant’s veto of the funker in the farmer’s test and some of the singer’s offenses to Biel revealed by Luiza Ambiel.
“I apologize, I was wrong. If you don’t want to forgive, that’s fine, but you can’t stay in that spirit. Don’t judge me for a mistake, for a failure,” Mariano asked.
“You didn’t know I was going to come back. You spoke behind my back, I couldn’t defend myself. You said I was in hiding for 3 years. You offended me,” Biel replied.
They, in fact, have not reached a final agreement. However, they agreed to have a new conversation throughout today to seal (or not) the peace.
What about this boy, Lidi?
Lidi Lisboa got drunk at the “Likes” party and had a hard time sleeping. In addition to damaging the house, the actress cornered Lucas Maciel to receive a kiss on the mouth and, after the refusal of the pawn, squeezed the genital organ of the youtuber.
The attitude of the paoa generated disapproval on social networks. After all, the act was classified as ‘harassment’ by Lidi with Lucas Maciel.
Rage attack
Finally, when all the pedestrians withdrew into the headquarters of “A Fazenda 2020”, the climate of peace turned to war. Lucas Maciel lost control after Jojo Todynho accused him of hitting Lidi’s head on the wall and breaking everything around the house.
“It’s really bad. Go take it in the c *. Fuck it. C ******. I don’t have that meanness. I’m helping you and tell me I hit his head against the wall. That doesn’t exist,” he yelled .
After controlling himself, the youtuber unburdened himself with Lipe Ribeiro and explained that he broke four vases in the reality show room to avoid going on top of the singer.
“Do you think I want to break things? It’s so surreal, it’s so out of the ordinary, that I had to break it to not prick his mouth. It was horrible,” he lamented.