After filtering audios of conversations with friends, Robinho says that Globo is chasing him, just as the station does with President Jair Bolsonaro (no party).
“Good always wins and the truth will appear. Guys there are people used by the devil, right? We know that TV Globo is a demonic station. You just have to watch the soap operas, the schedules.
Also read: Maju Coutinho and Globo are sued for R $ 800 thousand for “destroying life”; see here
Then I am at peace. God will give the victory. That fulfills God’s purpose in my life. Putting them in, ‘we’re together,’ ”he said.
He then reminded President Jair Bolsonaro:
“I’m going to put on a shirt when I check: ‘Trash balloon, Bolsonaro is right,” Robinho said.
After intense pressure from the club’s sponsors, Santos decided, according to the player, to suspend Robinho’s contract last Friday (16).

Also read: Fátima Bernardes hides “money in her ass” and Globo goes into action; see here
Telephone interceptions
A detailed report published by GE revealed wiretaps authorized by the Italian courts, used to convict the player in the first instance, of group sexual violence.
In November 2017, the Milan court confirmed allegations by the Italian Prosecutor’s Office that Robinho allegedly participated, with five other men, in collective sexual violence against a 23-year-old Albanian woman in a Milan nightclub. The episode occurred in September 2013, when the player was 28 years old and played for Milan.
Also read: Gusttavo Lima will be sued by the woman for pension and money; look how much here
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