Is the additional allocation of R $ 2,000 confirmed to INSS policyholders? see here


Retirees, pensioners or enrolled in the Continuous Benefit Benefit (BPC) of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) can receive an additional allowance in the amount of R $ 2,000 during the state of public calamity. The group is considered economically vulnerable as it was left out of transfers related to emergency aid.

The measure is part of the legislative suggestion (SUG) No. 15/2020, created by Jefferson Brandão Leone – BA, and which is already being analyzed by the Commission on Human Rights and Participatory Legislation of the Federal Senate. The project became official in June and received more than 26,000 signatures through a virtual petition.

Who will have the right?

The criteria used for the concessions will be based on the income of the insured. In this case, the benefit will be directed to those who receive up to three minimum wages.

Also read: INSS: See who should request a benefit review in 2020

If approved, the aid will join other measures to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. This is due to the fact that one of the most affected groups was precisely the one that receives some income transfer or retirement benefit. On the Senate website, you can follow all the paperwork related to the project.

Justification of the proposal

The SUG text aims to provide the payment of an additional allocation of R $ 2,000 for retirees and pensioners or receive the BPC from INSS. The measure should prevail until the end of the decree that determined a state of public calamity throughout the country, which ends in December this year.

New project foresees an endowment of R $ 1,045

Another emergency subsidy proposal was presented, this time in the Chamber through Bill No. 4644/20, by the deputy Sâmia Bomfim (PSOL – SP) and other party representatives.

The idea is to pay in a single installment the benefit of R $ 1,045 to formal workers who meet the established conditions, retirees and pensioners of the RGPS (General Social Security Scheme), beneficiaries of the BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit) and RMV (Income monthly for life).

To follow the progress and situation of the PL, simply access the website of the Chamber of Deputies.

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