Two dogs were rescued from one incndio that affected a home on Rua Regncia, Bairro Santana do Cafezal, in the Central-South Region of Belo Horizonte, on the afternoon of Thursday (15).
The military isolated the place and began fight against fire within the property. At the time of the incident, there were no residents. After dousing the flames, the two dogs were found under a sofa.
With six years of profession, the firefighter ensures that “he smiles for nothing” in the fulfillment of the mission that carries the motto of the firefighter: save money. “It was too cool. I hope everything goes well with the dogs, ”he said, proud of the job. “Being a firefighter my life, I was born for that,” he concludes.
The corporation believes that the fire started in a short circuit in one of the rooms of the residence.