WHO calls for new restrictions in the EU to save 281,000 lives by 2021-10-15 / 2020


With an explosion of new cases of covid-19 in Europe, the WHO warns that the governments of the Old Continent will immediately adopt new restrictive measures. According to the agency, if such initiatives are implemented, around 281,000 lives could be saved by January 2021.

But if nothing is done, death rates can multiply by four or five compared to the figures recorded in April.

The call comes at a time when France, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland, Germany and other countries are expanding movement restrictions and controls.

According to the WHO, Europe is experiencing an “exponential growth” of the disease. “This is a situation of great concern,” said Hans Kluge, WHO director for Europe. According to him, covid-19 is already the fifth largest factor responsible for deaths and, in the world, some 8 thousand people have lost their lives.

The agency estimates that last week it registered a record number of new cases in Europe, with 700,000 people infected. In ten days, there were 1 million new contaminants, with 120 thousand only on October 9 and 10.

For the WHO, the rates of new cases are double than in April. But the death toll is only a fifth of what happened.

However, the risk is that this new wave of cases will once again be transferred to the home and to older groups.

“The projections are not the most optimistic,” Kluge admitted. According to him, if governments do not act and let the virus circulate, Europe will have, in January 2021, a mortality rate four or five times higher than in April.

However, none of this has to happen. “If measures are adopted, 281,000 lives can be saved by January,” he warned.

According to the WHO, the measures include the widespread use of masks by everyone, the return of homework and the end of crowds. “If this is done, we will have results in a few weeks,” Kluge said.

For the WHO, these measures do not have to be a total blockade. “Confinement like we had it in April is the last option,” Kluge said.

The agency, for example, suggests that schools continue to function and that “sacrifices” be made in other segments of society. Only if there are no more options, the school should close again.
