BRASÍLIA – The Ibope poll released this Wednesday shows that Captain Wagner (PROS) and Luizianne Lins (PT) are technically tied, with 28% and 23% of the vote for the city of Fortaleza, respectively. The survey’s margin of error is four percentage points higher or lower.
Luizianne Lins, in turn, is technically tied with Sarto (PDT), who has 16% of the voting intentions. Heitor Férrer (SD) had 6%, followed by Célio Studart (PV), with 4%, and Renato Roseno (PSOL), with 3%. Heitor Freire (PSL) had 1%.
Anízio Melo (PCdoB) and Samuel Braga (Patriota) did not score. The names of the candidates Paula Colares (UP) and José Loureto (PCO) were not mentioned by the interviewees. The null, blank or none of the candidates were 12%, while 7% did not respond.
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The poll also asked who voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows: Luizianne Lins (36%), Capitão Wagner (33%), Sarto (17%), Heitor Férrer (15%), Renato Roseno (13%), Heitor Freire (11%), Anízio Melo ( 10%), José Loureto (10%), Célio Studart (9%), Paula Colares (9%) and Samuel Braga (9%).
The survey was commissioned by TV Verdes Mares. Ibope interviewed 602 voters between Monday and Wednesday of this week. The confidence level of the survey, that is, the probability that the results reflect the reality of the election, is 95%. The identification number in the Electoral Tribunal is CE-05307/2020.