
A Federal Highway Police (PRF) seized more than 80 kilograms of drugs who were inside the bus of a band musical what happened Mines Ducks, in Alto Paranaíba. The illicit cargo, which had left the State of São Paulo, was evaluated in R $ 7 million For the police. Four people were arrested.
Still in the vehicle there were 4 kg of cocaine hidden in more than 4 thousand packages, ready for consumption or sale, and also a precision scale.
As a result, the police arrested four men, 22, 42, 53 and 55 years old for drug trafficking. The name of the band was not revealed and the information about the destination of the vehicle is only that it left São Paulo and headed to the Northeast region of the country.
The detainees and the seized material were sent to the Civil Police of Patos de Minas.