The police try to identify the man killed by a gas cylinder; no family member went to the IML to recognize the body | Rio de Janeiro


The RJ Civil Police are looking for clues that identify the dead after being hit by a gas canister thrown from the window on the 12th floor of a building (see the video above), Monday afternoon (12). The body of the fruit bowl, known in the Copacabana region as Tronco, Since then he has been in the Medical-Legal Institute (IML) and nobody has come to recognize him.

According to the police, a family member must go to the IML to claim the man’s body. If it doesn’t happen within 14 days, will be buried as an unidentified person.

The moment he was hit Trunk had no documentThe. He had serious injuries and, according to the police, identification will only be possible through a fingerprint or dental arch examination.

The resident who threw the object has mental problems, according to a report from his sister and two bosses.

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The case took place in Rua Aires Saldanha, in Copacabana, in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, on Monday afternoon (12).

The man who threw the cylinder is bricklayer Venílson da Silva, 33. He was arrested in flagrante delicto and charged with intentional homicide, when the person has the intention or the risk of killing.

Venílson’s sister told police that she suffers from mental problems and is undergoing treatment. The version was confirmed by two other people who came to the police station as Venílson’s bosses.

Botijão was thrown out the window of the apartment in Copacabana, in the South Zone of Rio – Photo: Playback / TV Globo

Witnesses said that before the cylinder was launched, parts of a stove were thrown, hitting a car parked on the street.

The cylinder, which killed Tronco at the time, may have reached 125 km / h.

“A gas cylinder in free fall, thrown from the 12th floor of a building, takes three to four seconds to reach the ground, at approximately 125 km / h,” said Gerardo Portela, a specialist in risk management.

“It is a lethal impact for a human being,” added Portela.

Suspect of throwing the cylinder was arrested by military police – Photo: Reproduction

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