The president of the Fundação Cultural Palmares, Sérgio Camargo, said on Tuesday (13) in a social network that the former Minister of the Environment and former Senator Marina Silva (Rede), the deputies David Miranda and Talíria Petrone (both from PSOL-RJ), ex-MP Jean Wyllys and singer Preta Gil declare themselves black “for convenience.”
According to Camargo, Marina Silva was excluded from the Palmares Foundation’s list of black personalities because “she does not have a relevant contribution to the black population of Brazil.” “His environmentalism has been questioned and is not the focus of the institution’s actions,” he wrote. Created in 1988, the foundation aims to preserve black culture.
Part of the people attacked by Camargo reacted (read at the end of the text the reactions of those with whom G1 I had already managed to contact until the last update of this report).
For the president of the foundation, Marina Silva “declares herself black for political convenience.”
“It is not an isolated case. Jean Willys, Talíria Petrone, David Miranda (white) and Preta Gil are also black for convenience. Masquerading as a ‘victim’ and ‘oppressed’ pays electoral dividends and, in some cases, financial dividends,” he said. . .
According to Camargo, he wrote on the social network, “posing as a ‘victim’ and ‘oppressed’ produces electoral dividends and, in some cases, economic dividends.”
In June, in a taped meeting, Camargo called the black movement “cursed scum,” said Zumbi was a “son of a bitch who enslaved blacks” and criticized Black Awareness Day – defending a decree that the date be let it be a vacation.
Last year, Camargo said that slavery benefited the descendants of enslaved blacks living in Brazil.
“Slavery was terrible, but beneficial for the descendants. Blacks in Brazil live better than blacks in Africa,” he said.
THE former MP Jean Wyllys, who is currently a professor in the United States, called Camargo “disqualified.”
“The administrative decisions of a disqualified do not change the way I identify myself or the ethnicity of my ancestors on the part of my father’s family, a factor about which he has no authority to speak. I remain what I am. Certainly Strange is disqualified at the head of such an important institution, ”he said.
For the federal deputy Talíria Petrone (PSOL-RJ), Sérgio Camargo “deviates from the primary function of the body” since he assumed the presidency by, as he said, “attacking the memory of those who preceded us in the fight against structural racism.”
“The position of Sérgio Camargo – based on authoritarian outbursts typical of Bolsonarism – definitely does not correspond to the position he occupies. It is not this man, with this position that reproduces racism and shames our history of resistance, who will question my reality as a woman It is time to return the Palmares Cultural Foundation to the people it should serve ”, declared the parliamentarian.
THE deputy David Miranda (PSOL-RJ) defended Camargo’s departure from the foundation. For him, the president of the body is “an enemy of the anti-racist struggle.” In June, a minister from the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) rejected the Rede Sustentabilidade party’s request to dismiss Camargo.
“Sérgio Camargo’s stay at the Palmares Foundation shames every Brazilian, aware of the struggle of the black people against centuries of racism and structural oppression. The president of the Foundation is an enemy of the anti-racist fight, totally unprepared and unworthy of the position he occupies in the institution he occupies. It takes the name of one of the greatest heroes in Brazilian history: Zumbi dos Palmares. Sérgio Camargo goes to the dustbin of history. I am already suing him for the repeated racist attacks against him, “Miranda said.
A singer Preta Gil did not want to manifest. THE G1 sought the advice of former Minister Marina Silva and waited for a response until the last update of this report.

Ombudsman asks the STJ to remove Sérgio Camargo from the presidency of the Palmares Foundation