The opening of a Havan store in Belém, the capital of Pará, caused a crowd this morning. Even before the doors were opened, many people were already waiting at the door of the establishment, located on Avenida Augusto Montenegro.
Images shared on social networks show the commotion at the time of entry and many people without a mask, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. The store was fined for not complying with a state decree that establishes sanitary measures to prevent covid-19.
This is the fourth that the group opens in Pará. The inauguration takes place on the eve of one of the largest religious programs in Brazil, Círio de Nazaré, which even without processions this year, is still the second most important date that moves local commerce, considered Pará Christmas.
In a note, the State Secretariat of Public Health reported that the responsibility for the on-site inspection lies with the Municipality of Belém, but that the department sent a Sanitary Surveillance team to the site and the establishment is being notified for non-compliance with the regulations of social distance. provided by the World Health Organization. The operation is being supervised by the Military Police.
The Civil Police of Pará clarified that the representative of the establishment will be summoned to provide clarifications and accused of a crime against public health, according to article 268 of the Brazilian Penal Code, whose penalty varies between 01 month and 01 year of detention, in addition to a fine .
The Municipality of Belém also manifested itself through a note stating that this is a private event and that the responsibility to restrict and distance people is the responsibility of the administrators.
The municipal body also stressed that everyone must comply with Decree No. 95.955 / 2020 that authorizes the application of fines and warnings in case of non-compliance and that all municipal public authorities that are aware of the non-compliance of the regulations of this decree must inform the security forces, which will adopt the pertinent criminal investigation measures.
Twitter I tried to contact the Havan Group press office, but did not get a response.