Brazil has 664 new deaths from covid-19 and exceeds 145 thousand deaths


The country registered 664 new deaths from the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours and reached the lowest death rate since May. The data come from the press consortium of which Twitter It is part of.

In total, there have been 145,431 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The information is from the Ministry of Health, 33,002 diagnoses were reported in the last 24 hours, totaling 4,882,231 cases of covid-19.

The moving average of deaths, calculated based on the number of deaths in the last seven days, is 675, which represents stability in relation to the variation of 14 days ago, but is the lowest since May 13 when it registered 668 average.

Two regions registered a decrease: Southeast (-17%) and South (-16%). The others remain stable: Midwest (-10%), Northeast (4%) and North (6%).

Three states showed acceleration: Amazonas (138%), Ceará (22%) and Roraima (633%).

Ten states and the Federal District experienced a drop in the moving average of deaths, while another 13 remained stable.

See the oscillation in the states:

  • Acceleration: AM, CE and RR;
  • Stability: AC, AL, AP, BA, ES, GO, MA, MG, MS, PE, RN, SC and SE;
  • It remains: DF, MT, PA, PB, PI, PR, RJ, RO, RS, SP and TO.

Government data

The Health Ministry reported 708 new deaths from covid-19 in 24 hours, with 145,388 deaths recorded since the start of the pandemic.

Since yesterday, 33,431 new diagnoses have been registered, totaling 4,880,523 cases throughout the country.

The federal government considers 4,232,593 recovered cases and states that there are 502,542 patients under follow-up.

SP surpasses Italy in deaths from covid-19

The state of São Paulo today surpassed Italy in the total number of deaths from the new coronavirus, according to data published by the state government. While Europeans represent 35,941 deaths since February, São Paulo have reached the mark of 35,956 victims.

In the balance sheets published this Friday, São Paulo counted 152 deaths in 24 hours, while Italians lost 23 people due to the coronavirus. In terms of cases, the Brazilian state adds 997,333 confirmed cases of the disease, with an increase of 5,608 infections between yesterday and today. Italy recorded 2,499 new infections on Friday, bringing the total number to 319,908.

More than half of indigenous peoples with covid-19

The total number of confirmed cases of the disease among indigenous people reaches 34,608, according to a survey conducted by a front formed exclusively to monitor the advance of the virus. In the latest update of the balance, 836 deaths of patients infected with the new coronavirus are also reported.

The front, in which entities such as Apib (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil) and Coiab (Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon) participate, reports that transmissions and deaths were identified in 158 of the 305 indigenous peoples that inhabit the country. In other words, pollution has already reached the majority (51%).

Vehicles gather to obtain information

In response to the decision of the government of Jair Bolsonaro to restrict access to data on the covid-19 pandemic, media Twitter, El Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, G1 and Extra formed a consortium to work collaboratively to seek the necessary information directly from the state health departments of the 27 units of the Federation.

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, should be the natural source of these figures, but recent attitudes from the authorities and the president himself question the availability of the data and its accuracy.

* With information from ANSA, AFP and Agência Brasil
