Storm with thunder and hail reaches Rio Grande do Sul and leaves a trail of destruction


A strong storm with a large amount of hail reached the state of Rio Grande do Sul on Wednesday (30). The storm arrived late in the morning in parts of the municipality of Livramento, on the border with Uruguay.

Hail also reached points in neighboring Rivera, on the Uruguayan side of the border. The hailstones were medium in size.

The first information published by the newspaper A Platéia and Rádio RCC, partners of MetSul Meteorologia in Livramento, shows that hailstones even pierced roofs in some properties in the rural area of ​​the border municipality.

Photo: Queni de Oliveira / Rádio RCC / Disclosure

The hail storm that hit the border was planned. A hot front has formed in Rio Grande do Sul in the last hours and is advancing from the Northwest to the Southeast, and in the next few hours it should affect Uruguay, the Campaign, the South and part of the East of Rio Grande do Sul with new occurrences of hail and that in some parts of the south, it can be medium to large in size.

In the early hours of this Wednesday, hail fell in parts of Greater Porto Alegre with the storm clouds associated with the hot front that were responsible for bringing heavy rains with high volumes and many lightning strikes in the metropolitan area. The hail, however, was small. At the end of the morning, Novo Hamburgo again had small diameter hail.

Other regions of the state can have very isolated hail storms of varying sizes from late afternoon through tonight due to intense warming and a very unstable atmosphere.

The noon temperature in Santa Rosa was already 35ºC and should go to 37ºC or 38ºC by the middle of this Wednesday afternoon.

Click here and see the full weather forecast.
