SEE who needs to go through the INSS experience to obtain benefits


Medical experts are gradually returning to face-to-face service at the branches of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). That way, from now on, the medical experience can return.

Experience is required to demonstrate entitlement to disability retirement, accident benefit and sickness benefit. In addition, the experience is for those who receive retirement and pension and have a serious illness and receive exemption from income tax.

In addition, disability retirees who depend on a caregiver and are entitled to an additional 25% of the benefit amount, and disability retirees who need the permanent help of a caregiver in daily activities must go through the expert opinion.

On the other hand, people with disabilities and low-income people who need Advanced Continuing Benefit (BPC) have been freed from the experience.

Who should go through the INSS medical experience?

  • Citizens who wish to receive disability pensions, sickness and accident benefits and who need to undergo an expert examination to obtain the release of the benefit
  • Those who are retired due to disability who depend on a caregiver and are entitled to an additional 25% of the amount of the benefit;
  • Worker who suffered an injury, accident or illness. The employer pays the first 15 days of leave and after that, the worker must schedule the experience to begin receiving assistance from the INSS. Some companies schedule services for the employee;
  • If the worker needs to be granted disability retirement, they must first apply for sickness benefit.

Find out how to schedule your experience in ‘My INSS’

Programming can be done over the phone 135 or My INSS, available to be accessed by the computer or the mobile application in the Android and IOS versions.

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The office hours in the branches have been reduced, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition, the INSS informs that during this reopening phase priority will be given to:

  • Social evaluation;
  • Requirement fulfillment;
  • Administrative justification; Y
  • Professional rehabilitation.

After accessing the My INSS website or app, you must register and obtain a password. Before programming it is necessary to request the benefit.

Check out the step by step below:

  1. Access the My INSS page (Internet or application);
  2. After logging in, go to the “Schedule your experience” option in the menu on the left;
  3. Click on “Schedule New”;
  4. Follow the request in “Result of claim / disability benefit”;
  5. Appear on the date scheduled for the exam.

CLT workers must present the following documents: official document with photo; work card or other document that accredits the payment of the INSS; Employer statement indicating the last day worked.

Rural workers, farmers and fishermen must present documentation that proves the activity. If the reason for the request is a work accident, you must submit the CAT (Work Accident Report).

See also: INSS releases PAYMENT of up to R $ 62,700 in arrears for 74 thousand beneficiaries
