The unemployment rate reached 13.8% in the quarter from May to July 2020 and was the highest in the historical series that began in 2012, growing 1.2 percentage points in relation to the quarter from February to April (12.6 %) and 2.0 percentage points compared to the quarter from May to July 2019 (11.8%).
The unemployed population (13.1 million people) remained stable compared to the previous moving quarter (12.8 million) and increased by 4.5% (561 thousand more people) compared to the same quarter of 2019 (12.6 million) .
The data are from the National Monthly Household Survey by Sample (PNAD-Covid19) published this Wednesday (30) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
The expectation was that the unemployment rate would hit 13.7%, according to the Bloomberg consensus.
The employed population (82.0 million, the lowest contingent in the series) fell by 8.1% (7.2 million less) compared to the previous quarter and 12.3% (11.6 million less) compared to the same 2019 quarter The occupancy level (47.1%) was also the lowest in the series, falling 4.5 pp compared to the previous quarter and 7.6 pp compared to the same quarter of 2019.
The compound underutilization rate (30.1%) was record in the series, growing 4.5 pp compared to the previous moving quarter (25.6%) and 5.6 pp compared to the same quarter of 2019 (24.6% ). The underutilized population (32.9 million people) was also a record, increasing 14.7% (plus 4.2 million people) compared to the previous quarter and 17.0% (plus 4.8 million people). people) compared to the same quarter of 2019.
The labor force population (95.2 million people), the lowest in the historical series, fell by 6.8% (6.9 million less) compared to the previous quarter and by 10.4% (11.0 million less ). ) in relation to the same quarter of 2019. The population outside the workforce (79.0 million people) was a record in the series, with increases of 11.3% (plus 8.0 million people) compared to the quarter above and 21.8% (more than 14.1 million people) compared to the same quarter of 2019.
The discouraged population (5.8 million) was record, with increases of 15.3% (more than 771 thousand people) compared to the previous quarter and 20.0% (more than 966 thousand people) compared to the same quarter of 2019. In relation to the active or discouraged population (5.7%) it was also record, growing 1.0 pp compared to the previous quarter and 1.4 pp compared to the same quarter of 2019.
The number of employees with a formal contract in the private sector (excluding domestic workers), estimated at 29.4 million, was the lowest in the series, falling by 8.8% (minus 2.8 million people) compared to the previous quarter and 11.3% (minus 3.8 million people) compared to the same quarter of 2019. The number of employees without a formal contract in the private sector (8.7 million people) fell by 14.2% (minus 1.4 million) people) compared to the previous moving quarter and 25.4% (minus 3.0 million) compared to the same quarter of 2019. The number of self-employed (21.4 million people) decreased (- 8.4% or less 2.0 million) compared to the previous moving quarter and also in the same period of 2019 (-11.6% or less 2.8 million people).
The number of domestic workers (4.6 million people) is the lowest in the series, falling 16.8% (minus 931 thousand people) compared to the previous quarter and 26.9% (minus 1.7 million people). people) compared to the previous quarter. same quarter of 2019.
The informality rate reached 37.4% of the employed population (or 30.7 million informal workers). In the previous quarter, the rate was 38.8% and, in the same quarter of 2019, 41.3%.
The usual average real income (R $ 2,535) in the quarter ended in July increased 4.8% compared to the previous quarter and 8.6% compared to the same quarter of 2019. The mass of habitual real income (R $ 203.0 billion) fell 3.8% (less R $ 8.0 billion) compared to the previous quarter and 4.7% (less R $ 10 billion) compared to the same quarter of 2019.