José Carlos Peres is removed from the presidency of Santos; Vice President Orlando Rollo takes over | Saints


José Carlos Peres is removed from the presidency of Santos.

The decision was made at a virtual meeting of the Deliberative Council on Monday night. More than two-thirds of the board members approved an opinion from the Commission of Inquiry and Survey (CIS). Peres did not attend the meeting.

There were 176 voters in total:

  • 161 in favor of removal;
  • 6 against expulsion;
  • 9 abstentions.

The report, which takes into account information analyzed by the Supervisory Board, suggests the departure of Peres due to irregularities in the 2019 accounts, in addition to the other members of the Management Committee, except for Vice President Orlando Rollo, who takes charge club.

Rollo, dismissed from his duties since 2018 due to disagreements with Peres, his discontent, was “saved” by CIS after presenting his defense. In the opinion of the body, the deputy had no participation in the management.

José Carlos Peres, president of Santos – Photo: Ivan Storti / Santos FC

Now, the Deliberative Council has 60 days to schedule a meeting between the partners to vote on a possible impeachment of José Carlos Peres. Meanwhile, the president is removed from office. There is no more right of defense.

Santos closed the 2019 numbers with a surplus of R $ 23.5 million; the positive balance was boosted and turned blue by the sale of Rodrygo to Real Madrid.

At the beginning of June, however, the Fiscal Council of Santos issued a report pointing out various statutory irregularities in the financial statements, such as commissions paid for the transfer of Bruno Henrique to Flamengo, use of a corporate card for personal reasons by President José Carlos Peres, plus the difference. between budgeted and spent.

Santos leaders presented their defense to the Survey and Survey Commission. President José Carlos Peres, for example, says that he canceled the corporate card and has returned the amount used; The club claims not to have paid a commission for the transfer of Bruno Henrique and ensures that it is one of the commissions that pays the least to intermediaries among Brazilians.

What had also been cited by the Fiscal Council was an alleged hiring of a law firm to defend Pedro Doria, a member of the Management Committee, in a personal case. The leader, however, denies it.

Peres had disapproved accounts in his first two years of management – 2019 and 2018, when the club registered a deficit of R $ 77 million. This year, the financial situation remains difficult due to the pandemic. In the first half of 2020, Peixe registered a deficit of more than R $ 40 million.

This Monday night was also marked by the protests of the Santos fans at the door of Vila Belmiro, before the Deliberative Council meeting. The screams demanded the departure of José Carlos Peres. Watch the videos below:

Santos fans protest against José Carlos Peres in Vila Belmiro

Santos fans protest against José Carlos Peres in Vila Belmiro

This is the second time that the City Council has pronounced in favor of the removal of Peres.

The president faced two impeachment processes in his first year in office in 2018, when he was accused, among other things, of holding a company of the sports agency responsible even after taking office.

Both requests were approved by the council, but Santos’ partners prevented Peres from being indicted at a general assembly.

Partners disapprove of impeachment and José Carlos Peres remains president of Santos

Partners disapprove of impeachment and José Carlos Peres remains president of Santos

Separated from Peres since the beginning of his term, the deputy assumed the presidency on an interim basis at the end of last year, when the president had been sanctioned by the STJD for 15 days for disrespecting arbitration.

During the suspension of the president, Rollo resumed his role in the club and rekindled the political crisis and the public break with Peres. He, who considered himself acting president and believed that he could make administrative decisions, ordered the replacement of four members of the Management Committee by trusted advisers.

Peres further classified Rollo’s attitudes as an “attempted coup.” It achieved suspensive effect the next day, and the deputy walked away again.

Now Rollo will be in charge at least until Peres’s situation is resolved.

Orlando Rollo, Vice President of Santos – Photo: Gabriel dos Santos

Watch a video from 2019 detailing the divide between Peres and Rollo:

GE explains: the political crisis between the president and vice president of Santos

GE explains: the political crisis between the president and vice president of Santos

+ Click here and learn all about Santos
