Felipe Melo cites fake news, denies provocation to Flamengo and wants to identify those responsible


Through a publication published on his profile on Instagram, Felipe Melo said that he was a victim of fake news this Sunday, the day on which Palmeiras drew with Flamengo 1 to 1, for the Brazilian Championship, at Allianz Parque. The defender denied any provocation to the rival and promised to take steps to identify those responsible.

Through the Instagram stories resource, Felipe Melo published a video in Allianz Parque prior to the game against Flamengo, marked by uncertainty about its realization. In a montage, the images posted by the defender earned the inscription “Where are the runners?”

See this photo on Instagram

Today I was the victim of a fake news that bothered and worried me a lot. I posted a video about my stories before the game. And when the game ended, when I took out my cell phone, I was surprised by countless received messages, threats, curses and also messages from concerned family and friends. Someone irresponsible, cowardly, manipulated the image and put a provocation that I would never do to anyone or to any institution. At no point did I offend or provoke my opponents, who, like me, are professionals and have families. My team is already aware of what happened and has already taken the appropriate measures to identify those responsible for this crime. Yes, fake news is a crime and whoever created it will feel the rigor of the law. We can no longer accept that they turn the Internet into a no man’s land. Whoever did it has to pay. I am professional, responsible and respect all institutions. I ask that you do not share lies like the ones in this video. And denounce the pages that publish this crime against my honor. Don’t confuse personality with irresponsibility. Stay with God! # écrime # ThesePagesVãoPagar #fakenews # fakenewsécrime

A publication shared by Felipe Melo (@felipemelo) in

“Some irresponsible, cowards, manipulated the image and put a provocation that I would never do to anyone or any institution. At no time did I offend or provoke my opponents, who like me are professionals and have families,” published Felipe Melo. willing to find those responsible.

“My team is already aware of what happened and has already taken the appropriate measures to identify those responsible for this crime. Yes, fake news is a crime and whoever created them will feel the rigor of the law. We cannot accept more that they turn the Internet into nobody’s land. Whoever did it has to pay, “the defender posted.

After confusion and uncertainty, the confrontation between Palmeiras and Flamengo ended in a 1-1 draw. In the second half, midfielder Patrick de Paula put the hosts ahead, but striker Pedro equalized for the red-black team in the next minute.

See also:

Will there be a game? Editor of L! analyzes the mess in the match between Palmeiras and Flamengo for Brasileirão

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