Pazuello will come into force. Suicide-homicide policy is successful, believe me – 09/14/2020


General Eduardo Pazuello’s incompetence was rewarded. And nobody is surprised, okay. A day after the world knew, once again, what not to do with Covid-19 – following the Brazilian example – the government announces what was already taken for granted: Bolsonaro decided to put it into effect in the Ministry of Health.

Why do I say that our country is, once again, a negative example? Brazil jumped to the first place in deaths per million inhabitants, due to Covid-19, among the countries that make up the G-20, the 20 largest economies in the world.

The country ranks third in absolute number of cases – it only loses to the United States and India – and the second in number of deaths: it only loses to the dominions of Donald Trump. But there are more deaths per million here than in the Northern Empire.

For all that, in agreement, Pazuello deserves to be put into effect. Also because the government did not deliver the promised ICU kits to states or respirators. Is it fair or not? And he even attended a demonstration in favor of Bolsonaro and the closing of Congress and the Supreme Court.

Never has so much competition been seen at Esplanada dos Ministérios.

Pazuello is an active general. Until the announcement of the effectiveness, there was no news that he had asked to go to the reserve.

The irresponsible behavior of millions of Brazilians extends from north to south, from east to west. On the beaches, in the streets and in the bars, people who despise even the use of masks multiply.

That was what Bolsonaro wanted: a people without fear of dying and killing. This suicidal-homicidal bravery emanates from the federal government, and the general with the face and bearing of a member of the former Bulgarian Communist Party is fully adapted to necropolitics.

It is not true that the group of Brazilians deserves a minister like Pazuello. But a considerable part of the population finds, yes, in the saying -whose man lives up to his suicidal and homicidal wishes-.
