The salary bonus PIS-Pasep 2020-2021 begins to be paid on Tuesday (15) for workers entitled to the benefit born in September (PIS) or with final benefit 2 (Pasep). The dates are valid for workers who are not Caixa or BB account holders – in the case of the latter, the money has already been paid directly into an account.
The withdrawal schedule will be in effect until June 30, 2021 (see calendars below). In the case of PIS (private sector workers), payments are made according to the worker’s month of birth. In Pasep (for public servants), follow the final benefit number.
Only within the PIS, more than 734 thousand workers born in September have the right to withdraw the benefit, totaling R $ 567 million in resources.
The government launches new withdrawals of FGTS and extinguishes PIS-PASEP
Payment schedule
The reception calendar takes into account the month of birth, for private sector workers, and the final registration number, for public servants. The PIS is intended for private sector workers and is paid at Caixa Econômica Federal. Pasep is paid to public servants through Banco do Brasil.
Whoever was born in the months of July to December (PIS) or has a final registration number between 0 and 4 (Pasep) will receive the benefit in 2020. Those born between January and June and with a registration number between 5 and 9 will be received in the first half of 2021. In any situation, the resource will be available to the worker until June 30, 2021, the deadline for receipt.
Caixa will make available to more than 20.5 million PIS beneficiaries approximately R $ 15.8 billion at the end of the 2020/2021 calendar.
The amount of the bonus varies from R $ 88 to R $ 1,045, depending on the period formally worked in 2019.
PIS payment schedule
PIS payment schedule – Photo: Playback
Pasep payment schedule
Pasap payment schedule – Photo: Playback / DOU
What is the value and who is entitled?
The amount of the salary bonus varies from R $ 88 to R $ 1,045, depending on the number of months worked during the base year 2019. Only those who worked in the 12 months of 2019 will receive the full amount.
You are entitled to a salary bonus who received, on average, up to two minimum monthly wages with a formal contract and performed a paid activity for at least 30 days in 2019. You must still be enrolled in PIS / Pasep for at least five years and have the data updated by the employer in the Annual List of Social Information (Rais).
For workers who have the data declared in Rais 2019 after the deadline, but until September 30, 2020, the benefit payment will be available from November 4, 2020, according to the payment schedule. Those who have their regularization sent by employers after September 30 and until June 12, 2021, will only receive it in the calendar for next year.
To find out if you have a right and how to withdraw
To withdraw the PIS bonus, a worker who has a Citizen Card and registered password can go to the Caixa self-service terminals or to a lottery store. If you do not have a Citizen Card, you can receive the amount at any Caixa branch, upon presentation of an identification document.
Information on PIS can also be obtained by calling Caixa’s 0800-726-02-07. The worker can also make an appointment on the website www.caixa.gov.br/PIS, in Consult Payment. For that you need to have the NIS number (PIS / Pasep) handy.
- See how to find the PIS number on the Internet
Public servants who are entitled to Pasep must verify if there has been a deposit in the account. If this has not happened, they should look for a Banco do Brasil branch and present an identification document. More information about Pasep can be obtained by calling 0800-729 00 01, Banco do Brasil.
About 2 million workers who did not withdraw the salary allocation from the previous calendar, which ended on May 29 this year, can still withdraw the amounts. The deadline ends on June 30, 2021. The withdrawal can be made through the customer service channels with card and Citizen Password, or at the Caixa offices.
The consultation on the right to the benefit, as well as the amount available, can be made through the CAIXA Worker application, through the CAIXA Citizen service – 0800 726 0207 and on the website http://www.caixa.gov. br / salary /.
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