Brazil has 922 new deaths in 24 hours and exceeds 129 thousand deaths from covid-19


Since the start of the new coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, 129,575 people have died from covid-19, according to today’s data from the consortium of press vehicles from which the Twitter It is part of. In the last 24 hours, 922 deaths were registered.

Between yesterday and today, 40,431 diagnoses were confirmed in the country, totaling 4,239,763 infected.

The moving average of deaths, which calculates daily deaths based on the records of the last seven days, points to 692 deaths per day, that is, there was a 21% drop in 14 days.

According to the survey conducted by the consortium, 16 states had a slowdown in the moving average of deaths from the disease in the 14-day variation, while Acre showed a high.

Among the regions, there was a drop in four of them: Midwest (-17%), Northeast (-29%), North (-24%) and Southeast (-22%). Only the South remained stable (-7%).

See the oscillation in the states:

  • Acceleration: AC
  • Stability: CE, DF, MA, MS, MT, PA, PE, PR, RR and RS
  • Remains: AL, AM, AP, BA, ES, GO, MG, PB, PI, RN, RJ, RO, SC, SP, SE and TO.

Federal government data

The Ministry of Health counted, between yesterday and today, 983 new deaths from covid-19, totaling 129,522 deaths in Brazil from the new coronavirus.

Today, the total number of people infected by the disease in the country amounts to 4,238,446, with 40,557 positive tests registered in the last 24 hours.

The first covid-19 infected in Rio says he has not yet recovered his sense of smell

Lawyer Jeniffer Melgaço, who in March became the first person to test positive for covid-19 in the state of Rio de Janeiro, says she still suffers from loss of smell.

“In the first month, I still felt tired during the day and sometimes headaches. Today, six months after the positive test, I still suffer from the total loss of smell and change in taste, ”Jennifer told the newspaper O Globo. .

Until now, his identity was protected. She claims that she suffered attacks on social media, being accused of bringing the disease to Brazil.

Vehicles gather to obtain information

In response to the decision of the government of Jair Bolsonaro to restrict access to data on the covid-19 pandemic, the media Twitter, El Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, G1 and Extra formed a consortium to work collaboratively to seek the necessary information directly from the state health departments of the 27 units of the Federation.

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, should be the natural source of these figures, but recent attitudes by the authorities and the president himself question the availability of the data and its veracity.
