Iberlandian doctor disappears in the waters of Cachoeira da Fumaa – Gerais


Firefighters report that the diff
Firefighters report difficult site access and dangerous nature of searches slow down work (photo: 8 BBM / Divulgao)

A rescue team from the Eighth Military Fire Brigade (BBM) searches for the doctor Arthur Reis Alves Pereira, 31 years old, Uberlndia, who drowned in a natural pool in Fumaa waterfall, Nova Ponte (MG), Tringulo Mineiro, around 3:00 p.m. this Monday (7).

The team began treating a 51-year-old woman who had suffered a fall and broken her arm when people warned her about the missing doctor.

According to information from firefighters, the probable cause of the drowning was the strong current in that area, which can push people who are swimming under the rocks, in the riverbed.

According to the 8th BBM press office, the rescue team started looking for the doctor on Monday afternoon (7) and, when it got dark, work was stopped. The searches were restarted early this Tuesday (8), at 5:00 am and were suspended again until this Wednesday morning.

Friends who were with the doctor at the time of the accident were following the records today. They reported that they were crossing the river to leave when the young man fell into the water and was swept to the bottom.

The rescue of the woman who was injured in the waterfall had to be done with the helicopter
The rescue of the woman who was injured in the waterfall had to be carried out with the Arcanjo 06 helicopter, from the Uberaba team (photo: 8 BBM / Divulgao)

Due to the difficult access to the site, the rescue of the woman had to be carried out with the Arcanjo 06 helicopter, belonging to the Uberaba team. She was then transferred by helicopter to UTC (Uberaba Tnis Clube) and later transferred to the Hospital de Clínicas of the Federal University of Tringulo Mineiro (HC-UFTM).

Hard-to-reach search location

Five firefighters from the 8th BBM diving team participate in the action. The firefighters affirm that the difficult access to the site and the dangerousness of the searches slow down the work, since, first, searches were made in the area where the man disappeared and, later, the work would begin downstream. In order not to take risks in the dives, the military involved need the help of ropes.
