September 8, Tuesday | Agenda of the day


São Paulo authorizes the reopening of public schools to reinforce, is he Amazonas completes a month of face-to-face classes. Brazil has 127,001 deaths and 4,147,598 infected for the new coronavirus. a uncontrolled vacation cross country. The case: India, from the biggest blockade to the Covid explosion. Safety during elections of this year. HE confrontation between Flávio Bolsonaro and businessman Paulo Marinho in the investigation of the assumption escape from the Furna da Onça operation. And the new FGTS withdrawals.

The government of Saint Paul authorizes from today that The state’s public and private schools reopen for school reinforcement, tutoring and sports activities in the regions that are in the yellow phase of the economic relief plan. at least 28 days ago. The resumption of face-to-face classes is scheduled for October 7 throughout the state.

Of the 645 municipalities, 128 are expected to join the reopening. The capital and 39 cities in the metropolitan region decided to postpone the return of activities in schools.

I’m already on it Amazon is completing one month of face-to-face classes. The state was the first in the country to resume classes on the public network. During the process, however, there were protests. See how was the adherence of the students and the new habits.

The advance of the pandemic in the country

Brazil reached 127,001 deaths and 4,147,598 confirmed cases of coronavirus. A the moving average of deaths fell 17%.

Merchants seized Boa Viagem beach, in the south of Recife, this Monday (7) – Photo: Marlon Costa / Pernambuco Press

The long weekend was crowded beaches, parks and bars in Brazil. Even with the restrictions and limitations imposed by city councils and state governments to curb the spread of the new coronavirus, Brazilians flocked to leisure spaces and private parties. see PHOTOS me VIDEOS.

Episode talks about India, which faced a gigantic lockdown and now sees a Covid explosion. HE country passed to Brazil in the number of cases, there are more than 4.2 million and it is the third in number of deaths.

Elections amid the pandemic

The president of the TSE, Minister Luis Roberto Barroso, presents the Health security plan for the 2020 municipal elections, prepared by a consultancy made up of specialists from Fiocruz and the Sírio Libanês and Albert Einstein hospitals. The plan includes the protocol to be adopted by the electoral colleges and recommendations to guarantee the safety of the voters, electoral officials and other employees of the Electoral Justice.

Former allies Flávio Bolsonaro and Paulo Marinho, who will face off – Photo: Tânia Rêgo / Agência Brasil; Ellan Lustosa / Code19 / Estadão Content

The MPF denied Senator Flávio Bolsonaro’s request to change the date of the confrontation, scheduled for the 21st of this month, between him and businessman Paulo Marinho in the investigation of the alleged leak of the Furna da Onça operation.

Operation PF investigated corruption schemes in the Rio Legislative Assembly linked to former governor Sérgio Cabral. Flávio, then a state deputy, was not investigated, but a report prepared in the field of the operation pointed to suspicious financial movements of his former Alerj adviser Fabrício Queiroz.

Paulo Marinho says that he heard from Flávio himself that a PF delegate leaked information about the operation. Flávio Bolsonaro denies it.

Caixa Econômica Federal releases credit for new FGTS withdrawals for workers born in October. Payments will be made in digital social savings and, initially, the funds will be available only for payments and purchases through a virtual debit card. Each worker can withdraw up to R $ 1,045 active (current job) or inactive (previous job) accounts.

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An area equivalent to 10% of the entire Pantanal in Mato Grosso has already been destroyed by fires this year. And the fires are still out of control.

Unicamp ends the registration for the 2021 access test on Tuesday, which will have tests in January and February due to the new coronavirus pandemic. In this edition there will be 3,237 places in 69 undergraduate courses.

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