Guedes CONFIRMS what is missing for Renda Brasil to be worth R $ 300


A meeting was held between Paulo Guedes, the Minister of Economy, and President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) to discuss the details of Renda Brasil, a new government program that will be officially launched soon. Until the last meeting it did not end in consensus.

The Minister of Economy warned Bolsonaro that Renda Brasil can only be an average benefit of more than R $ 300 if the deductions of the individual’s Income Tax (IR) are extinguished.

Renda Brasil, which will replace Bolsa Família, had its details presented by Guedes. The minister presented proposals for fees ranging from R $ 240 to R $ 270. For the minister, the amount depends on the termination of other programs. But President Bolsonaro is pressing for the value to be at least R $ 300.

According to Folha de S. Paulo, the minister foresees that up to 27 programs and social benefits will be reformulated or terminated for Renda Brasil to be created. Even so, even in the best scenario, the benefit would not reach an income of R $ 300. Currently, the average amount of Bolsa Família is R $ 190.

The government’s economic team also estimates that Renda Brasil is more comprehensive. Currently, Bolsa Família serves approximately 14 million people. The expectation is that Renda Brasil will reach between 6 and 8 million more people.

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Bolsonaro and Renda Brazil

The government’s economic team spent the weekend calculating ways to close the 2021 Budget and ways to finance the Renda Brasil program and the new extension of emergency aid.

Until last Sunday (30), government technicians said that the 2021 Budget proposal did not contain resources for Renda Brasil and that it maintained the programs that the government is considering extinguishing to create the new program. Renda Brasil should be a substitute for Bolsa Família.

According to the Correio Braziliense, several important areas complained that they had budget cuts for next year and will try to recover the money when the budget law is analyzed in Parliament.

The government also suffers an impasse by Renda Brasil. The president spoke publicly that he rejected the proposal sent by his economic team. The proposal envisaged that Renda Brasil would be created after the extinction of several current programs, such as the salary bonus.

See also: SEE who will NOT be able to receive emergency help of R $ 300
