Supreme frees Petrobras from selling oil blocks without bid – Money Times


PT had appealed to the Supreme Court to challenge the validity of the decree (Image: REUTERS / Paulo Whitaker)

The Supreme Federal Court (STF) confirmed on Friday that the Petrobras (PETR4) can sell oil fields without going through a bidding process, maintaining the validity of a decree, issued by the government Michel Temer in 2018, which defined government rules for the assignment of exploration, development and production rights to Petroleum me gas by the state oil company.

PT had appealed to the Supreme Court to challenge the validity of the decree. In December 2018, Minister Marco Aurélio Mello, rapporteur of the process, had issued a court order to suspend the validity of the decree, but, less than a month later, the president of the STF, Toffoli days, canceled the effect of the measure.

In the virtual trial, in which the matter was analyzed in substance, by six votes to four, the understanding prevailed that Decree 9,355 is capable of regulating the company’s exploration contracts, as well as contracts for goods and services. in which Petrobras leads a consortium.

The STF’s decision represents a victory for the government Jair bolsonaro in which Petrobras reinforced its divestment plan.
