MetSul Meteorology warns of an episode of heavy rains in part of the state starting this Saturday (5). It will be a sequence of days of instability that should last until at least the middle of next week.
Large volume rain will not fall across the state, as seen in the map below with projected cumulative precipitation from the German Icon model over seven days. The highest volumes should occur in the Center and Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul, especially in the cities bordering the Center to the North of Lagoa dos Patos, Valles, Gran Porto Alegre, Serra and North Coast, in addition to the South of Santa Catarina.
Marks of 100 to 150 mm are possible, in isolation, at points in these areas between Saturday (5) and Wednesday (9), which can cause floods and, in the case of Serra, fall of barriers. Rain will often come in strong torrents, local to strong, and with large volumes in a short period.
The instability returns from the Center to the North of Rio Grande do Sul this Saturday and affects most areas on Sunday, when only the southern and northern points of the state will be without rain. In the period the semi-stationary front will act, separating masses of cold air in the south and warmer air in the north. As the front will oscillate a little now towards the South and now towards the North, there will be moments of improvement and the rain will affect more or less some cities depending on the day. Its positioning, however, most of the time in the Center and Northeast of the State will make these regions have more water.
MetSul cautions that due to the supply of warm air north of the front branch, charged clouds tend to form along the front with a high risk of thunderstorms and isolated hail (of varying size) accompanying the rain. Sunday, according to the data, can be a day of intense instability with greater potential for storms.