STJ extends arrest of pastor Everaldo


STJ extends arrest of pastor Everaldo

Pastor Everaldo, arrested last Friday (28) in the same operation that led to the dismissal of Wilson Witzel, had his temporary detention extended last night, following a decision by Minister Benedito Gonçalves, of the STJ.

Gonçalves responded to a request from the PGR. The defense of the national president of the Christian Social Party (PSC) described the decision as “unnecessary.” The information is from O Globo.

“Pastor Everaldo does not know, so far, the reasons for the extension of his temporary imprisonment, since he has not yet had access to the decision. He reiterates that his detention is unnecessary, since he has always been at the disposal of all the authorities. Pastor Everaldo reaffirms his trust in Justice and his faith in God ”, says Everaldo’s defense note.

Pastor Everaldo was a candidate for the presidency in 2014 and a senator for Rio in 2018.

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