Six days after being denounced as the main responsible for the murder of her husband, Pastor Anderson do Carmo, Flordelis gave her first interview. She told journalist Roberto Cabrini what the days after the survey ended: “It is the worst moment of my life.”
At 59, federal deputy Flordelis dos Santos Souza knows that she is simply not in jail because she has a privileged forum and fights not to be charged. “I am not prepared to be arrested and I will not be. I am innocent and I am sure that my innocence will be proven in the next few days ”, she responds when asked about her fear of going to jail.
Flordelis also denied adopting Anderson when the two met, he was 14 years old. “A lie. This is all a lie,” he said, even denying that Anderson and her biological daughter Simone, who is in prison for her role in the crime, had a boyfriend.
“I love my husband to this day. He did not control my life. He didn’t do that. I did not kill. I did not do what they accuse me of. It’s not real. Is not true. It is an injustice “.
Flordelis has a collection of wigs that can cost R $ 8 thousand and are from the same brand that Beyoncé uses
About the night and the day after the crime, he remembers little, he guarantees: “I remember some things from the day of the murder. I thought it would have been a robbery. He was sedated. I certainly must have cried a lot over the death of my husband. Many things have escaped my mind due to the sedation. He did not know the number of shots. I did not know. When I came downstairs, my son said that they had already taken him to the hospital. I was very distant, until I arrived … all those screaming, all the commotion, I was on the third floor … until I arrived … My arrival was at the moment when they had already helped my husband ”.
Flordelis also denied having had Anderson do Carmo killed, as he could not separate himself, according to one of the messages collected on his cell phone: “This does not exist. There is no such thing as ‘scandalizing the name of God’. if I had to separate, I would separate ”. I would never call my husband a fret. This message was not written by me. I dont know. I want Justice to find out who wrote it. My cell phone is like a community cell phone at home. Everyone accesses my cell phone. I need to know who killed my husband. I do not know. If I knew, I would speak here now. Whoever killed my husband is dishonoring my life. I don’t hide anything.
Flordelis did a romantic rehearsal with Pastor Anderson do Carmo three days before the murder: video
During the report, Flordelis made a kind of reconstruction of the dawn of the crime, which occurred on June 16, 2019. “I was here (points to a room) and heard six shots. I only heard six (research says it was 30). My concern … I never imagined that it was something with someone inside my house ”.
Flordelis also denied giving money to purchase the weapon used in the murder: “The police are telling so many falsehoods.”
In addition to the crime, the entry and alleged disappearance of more than R $ 6 million in the account of the Flordelis Ministry, name of its churches, was the subject of the interview. “That money did not go to the church account. And I also want to know where it is. It is an important clue to this crime, ”she says.
Flordelis appears in a video that collects ‘footage’ of a witness in a cocktail house: ‘You will have to pay me for moral damages’
When his children are in prison, Flordelis reacts coldly: “I don’t have to be arrested. I did not kill my husband. nor did I order to kill. Why arrest me? Everyone inside and outside the house knew the value that my husband had for me ”. She says: “I just want the prosecutor to come and tell me why, the reason why I killed my husband. I will meet my husband in heaven again, for sure ”.