Kindergartens, driving schools, cinemas, Areninhas: know what is reopening in Fortaleza | Coronavirus in Fortaleza, Ceará and the world


Private nurseries can reopen (Photo: Evilázio Bezerra on 06/16/2017)

Private nurseries can reopen (Photo: Evilázio Bezerra on 06/16/2017)

The reopening of kindergartens and private schools for preschool classes in Fortaleza, with face-to-face activities, will begin on September 1. The announcement was made by Governor Camilo Santana (PT) during the broadcast on social networks on the night of this Friday 28. The decision is made after a series of meetings with education sectors and the Scientific Committee. 30% of the children will be allowed. It is also mandatory to give parents the option to maintain distance education.

Theoretical and practical driving classes can also be retaken, with 35% capacity.

The determination is valid for the Capital and the other municipalities of the Macro-region of Health of Fortaleza, which have completed the 4th phase of reopening. “It is mandatory for the school to offer distance education options to parents. Parents will choose whether to keep distance education,” Camilo said. The governor did not say why the reopening did not include the public education system.

The decision on the students of other grades, of primary and medical education, remains for the next weeks. Public schools and nurseries will not reopen yet. The face-to-face classes were suspended on March 16, a day after the confirmation of the first three cases of Covid-19 in the state.

– Cinemas, theaters, museums and libraries with up to 35% capacity

– Extracurricular activities such as language teaching and IT with up to 30% capacity

– Activities to support education, such as the school transport service with up to 30% capacity.

– Theoretical and practical driving classes, with 35% capacity

– Sports activities in open places, such as areninhas, courts and squares

In addition, small events with a capacity of up to 100 people will be allowed from September 14. Mayor Roberto Cláudio (PDT) pointed out that Covid-19 indicators fell in Fortaleza 15 weeks ago. “We also understand that there are economic and social needs that, when the state of health gives us the security to do so, will guide us to be increasingly flexible,” he said.

As O POVO said, sources close to Camilo affirm that a model presented to the governor is similar to the one already adopted in the plan to reopen the economy, divided into four stages and fixed rates for each stage. Therefore, the return must be staggered and divided into groups, possibly extending until October.

Starting next Monday, the 31st, the testing services for Covid-19 of the Ceará Health Secretariat (Sesa) will exclusively attend to professionals from the Fortaleza public education network. The workers will be sent by the State Secretary of Education (Seduc), at a time previously scheduled with Sesa, to the testing centers. In the private school system, the tests will be carried out by the organizations themselves.

The entities that represent education professionals are against face-to-face return, justifying that the opening of schools may contribute to a second wave of virus contamination in Ceará. On Friday 28, the Union of Teachers and Servants of Education and Culture of the State and Municipalities of Ceará (Apeoc) delivered a letter to the Secretary of Education (Seduc) requesting the non-return of face-to-face classes in the state.

Private schools have been pushing for reopening. Last week, the Union of Private Educational Establishments of Ceará (Sinepe-CE) made a caravan to request the return of face-to-face classes. The entity defends that the private network has been prepared for the return since July.
