BRASÍLIA – Insisting that I do not quote Federal police no video of the meeting with ministers on the last day of April 22, or president Jair Bolsonaro disse nesta quarta-feira que o minister-chefe gives Secretary of Governo, Luiz Eduardo Ramos, “made a mistake” or confirmed to menção, em depoimento na terça-feira. Além de Ramos também or minister-chief of the Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI), general Augustus Helenus, I testify to the Federal Police that Bolsonaro summoned PF to or complain about reports of intelligence produced by the government.
Understand: As non-Supreme and Non-Congressional investigations that concern Bolsonaro
À Federal Police, Ramos affirmed that the president “spoke out forcefully about the quality of intelligence bodies produced by Abin, Forças Armadas, Polícia Federal”. Heleno disse or mesmo.
– Or Ramos was wrong. More like é reunião, eu tenho or video. Or Ramos, he was wrong, he was wrong – Bolsonaro declared.
Analytical: Video disclosure poria fim à war of narratives between Bolsonaro and Moro
To Bolsonaro’s charge for more reports of the PF was related to the ex-minister of the Justiça Sergio Moro to ask for demissão do charge. Segundo Moro, in addition to allegedly attempting to politically interfere with the Federal Police as a director-general and also the superintendent of the non-Rio de Janeiro government, Bolsonaro also wanted access to the documents produced by the PF.
We are deposited, Ramos and Heleno confirmed that the president only wanted more information to get more information about the government and he did not refer to reports of police investigations.
Questioned in manhã this quarta-feira se o vai divulgar o video deliver na passada passada ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), o president disse favorável, more than or subject is being treated by the Advocacia-Geral da República (AGU), which o represents non-inquérito.
– I am not able to talk, because it was part of the process … and I was not able to talk like Celso de Mello, because it was part of the process. But I am going to take advantage of your suggestion there, or AGU, or Minister Levi, to people who can disclose that part. Se eu não me engano, o Celso de Mello ontem officiated here or advogado do Moro, AGU ea Justiça exactly to see people enter nessa linha to disclose, as well as the words that eu falo semper – declarou, closing an interview to portaria do Palácio da Alvorada.
Bolsonaro:President defends his meeting with the PF to prevent relatives and allies from being prejudiced
Earlier, Bolsonaro had said that he had no access to two depositions, three three ministers who failed the court, Ramos, Heleno and the head of the Civil House, Walter Braga Netto.
Lembrado that the president and his family are in charge of the Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI) and that his administration has been appointed as Minister of Justice and Public Security, Sergio Moro, Bolsonaro disse não ter falado or nome do ex- federal judge at the meeting.
– Eu não falei o nome le no video. There is no palavra Sergio Moro. Eu copper to minha security pessoal no Rio de Janeiro. A PF não faz minha segurança pessoal, quem faz é o GSI.
Regarding his failure regarding the substitution of responsibility for security, or the president was investigated, he was referring to the chief of the GSI, Augusto Heleno, or to Moro and dissented that “he is face to face”:
– Quem is about security? Or minister é or Heleno – he declared, being immediately questioned he caught himself. – No, no, I’m not going to go into detail, right? What is the face of the safe, what is the face of the safe? The video is clear, the meeting is clear.
Bolsonaro failed to add that the disclosure or video of the meeting earlier, but resolved to “make sure” when Moro quoted or found, deixando or ex-minister to fail.
– Deixa ele falar, pô. Ele accusing me. Because he showed up now, he would not fail anything.
There will be no more meetings
Bolsonaro affirmed in the sequence that he was uncomfortable with lies and mentioned or deposited by the ex-director of the PF, Maurício Valeixo, that the second negou ter has had political interference “in nothing”.
– Ele [Valeixo] mesmo disse. O own Moro também, evasive, nothing fails. You could see, this video was to be destroyed as always eu faço. It sticks to dinner that interests and destroys. He was in the iminência of destroying when he appeared or deposited in Moro. Então eu falei “I am not going to destroy, because it was destroyed and I was marting at the top of my life all that was interfered with in the PF at a meeting of ministers. Eu deixei or video. All of it is exceeded. Now it is not fiquem pasting other points to create problems for the government, the reserved meeting.
The president announced that there will be no more meetings of the government council, as it happened on April 22nd on Friday, when the treaty dissects the dollar against the real. As of agora, second Bolsonaro, there will be barely a “café da manhã” of fellowship once again for more than one hour and a half, not maximum.
– Or rest eu vou deal individually with each minister, to avoid this type of problem […] Every day I receive some ministers – I declared.
Bolsonaro also stated that Rio de Janeiro is fertile for or the work of Federal Police, that it can undertake everything or its cash in “perhaps one of the two most complicated States in Brazil.”