Why hasn’t the second installment schedule been released yet?


On Monday (11), the federal government postponed the schedule for the second installment of R $ 600 emergency aid once again. The schedule was scheduled to leave on the 8th, last Friday, which did not happen.

Benefit is essential to keep informal, unemployed, self-employed and individual microentrepreneurs (MEI) those who have financial difficulties during the crisis caused by the new coronavirus.

Due to the stoppage of economic activities, many are not working and have lost their income guarantee. After all, if so many people need help, why does it take so long to decide the schedule?

According to the vice president of the retail network of Federal Economic FundPaulo Henrique Ângelo is now in the hands of the federal government to decide the payment dates for the second part of the emergency aid. He said the bank is ready to start paying, but is waiting for a government schedule.

Although the dates of the second installment do not appear, Ângelo said that Caixa is directing efforts to finalize the payment of the first installment, and as soon as the new calendar comes out, the state company will announce the withdrawal procedures for the new delivery.

Caixa President Pedro Guimarães said at a press conference last week that the bank now has a more detailed database of people who requested and need assistance, a fact that will greatly assist in the swift and organized distribution of money. .

This is not what happened with the payment of the first delivery that generated queues and crowds at branches throughout the country. To prevent this from happening again and increase the risk of Covid-19 spreading, the bank has hired more receptionists and security guards to facilitate face-to-face service, and branches are opening earlier. They are now open from 8 am to 2 pm.

How was the payment of the first installment of the aid?

See below when the first installment of emergency aid was paid according to the category benefited:

  • April 9th ​​- for those registered in the Single Registry who do not receive Bolsa Família;
  • April 14, for those not registered in the Single Registry who registered through the website or the help application;
  • April 27 to May 5 – for those who did not have a Caixa account and opened digital savings (the calendar was divided by anniversary month).

See also: FGTS: Who can receive an emergency withdrawal of R $ 1,045 during a pandemic?
