A word “isolamento” is hardly a technical thermo used in tempos de novo coronavírus no Ministério da Saúde. In the last days, the word has been used to discredit the situation of the newly-elected Minister Nelson Teich.
Escolhido has less than a month to replace Luiz Henrique Mandetta, after a noisy frying process, now that he experiences this feeling on three fronts: within the ministry, not the political universe and together with public opinion. In spite of that, a troca does not command pasta, we are members of the governo, ainda não é cogitada.
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Within the ministry, or Teich isoecuador começou logo após sua chegada. Since assuming, he exonerated more than a dozen people from ancient times, including Carreira officials, and not less than seven military men, among them or his “number two,” or General Eduardo Pazzuelo.
Ao contra contra do antecessor, which in his saida showed certo apoio do corpo tecnico da pasta, Teich ainda arouses mistrust. Fontes ouvidas pelo GLOBO says that two military officers have altered or flowed the decision-making process, throwing autonomy at the secretaries of the Tinham organization. Ex-functionaries dizem ter has had a lot of technicians and that the new ones indicated in this area.
Or attrice with state and municipal representatives of Saúde was even more evident at the end of the week. As it circulates among the secretaries, you state that Teich is a “general disappointment”.
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Second stories written by GLOBO, or Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde (Conass) and o Conselho Nacional de Secretários Municipais de Saúde (Conasems) disseminated to Teich that they would not approve the director on relaxing the social distance launched on the second feira.
In recognition of the fact that, not a moment when the curve of the Covid-19 is ascending, there is no time to discuss or relax the restrictions of circulation restriction – as long as the situation does not correspond to the whole or national territory. A message, defense, fear of being unique I attached to a situation that is more controllable.
– It is not a technical divergence, it is opportune. Do you support sociedade brasileira lançarmos essa matrix at this time? Passa uma mensagem absolutely contraditória – disse o Presidente do Conass, Alberto Beltrame.
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Our last days, Teich happened to be alvo também of attacks in social networks. Ele, who since assuming that he was “100% aligned” with Bolsonaro já não tinha in sympathy with his opponents, came to be criticized by supporters of the president.
Or this for the attacks in the form of their statements regarding the non-verification, binding now, the efficiency of the chloroquine not treated by Covid-19 and the statement that the matrix prepared by the prior to determination of total blockade, made as a “lockdown”.
A hashtag #teichliberacloroquina foi um dos assuntos mais commented no Twitter anteontem. Allies of the minister attributed the movement to networks of supporters of the president. No Congress, just allies of the president who supported or not an oncologist said that, now, or a substitute for Mandetta, he could not show what he saw.
Despite the quadro, one of the remaining Teich is still on the horizon, second members of the government. They say that Bolsonaro trusts that he is not a minister and affirms that the president did not expect that, um, he would operate “miracles”.
A valuation continues to be that the departure from Mandetta was necessary to relax the crisis between the Palácio do Planalto and the ministry, which, now, had been carried out as a succession. Or Teich’s low profile style, dizem, contributed to baixar at temperature.
A surprise shown by the minister to know that a decree of the president included academies and beauty salons among essential services supported by the government just as a communication failure.
Bolsonaro confirmed that he did not need to rule as a minister on the subject. Later that year, when Palácio da Alvorada, or the president, stated that Teich had hardly been notified, and that the Secretary-General’s minister, Jorge Oliveira, admitted this mistake.