FIM gives first plot of 13th salary: INSS prepares second batch of payments


A antecipação do 13º salário no INSS This is the measure taken by the government to mitigate the economic impacts caused by the pandemic do novo coronavirus. The first parcel of profit has been paid and closed on the last 6th of February, 08 May. Contudo, in expectation of the second plot, whose calendar is never defined.

Initially, The first parcel of payment corresponds to 50% of the value of the benefit. A liberation of the second parcel will happen Between the 25th of May and the 5th of June. In the second stage, or value to be paid by vater or discounts regarding the Renda Tax.

In addition, the data of the INSS benefit payment will vary according to the final benefit number, sem consider or digit. Before the antecipação do governo, the first parcel of the 13th sala tinha costume to be paid only in the second semester. In the case of the second plot, the values ​​are normally only released in December.

Payment Calendar in May / June

According to the secretary, or payment of the second parcel of the 13th salary, it may happen as payment of the folio de maio, which follows or abaixo calendar.

For quem ganha até a minimum salary (R $ 1,045 in 2020)

Você Pode Gostar Também:

  • End 1: 5/25
  • End 2: 5/26
  • End 3: 5/27
  • End 4: 5/28
  • End 5: 5/29
  • End 6: 1st / 6
  • End 7: 2/6
  • End 8: 3/6
  • End 9: 4/6
  • End 0: 5/6

For burning ganha above a minimum salary (more than R $ 1,045)

  • Finais 1 e 6: 1º / 6
  • Finais 2 e 7: 2/6
  • Finais 3 e 8: 3/6
  • Finais 4 and 9: 4/6
  • Finais 5 e 0: 5/6

What will I do?

By the end, according to what I read, I will be grateful for what I received during the year, which is two items below:

  • aposentadoria
  • I thought about death
  • auxílio-doença
  • auxiliary-accident
  • auxílio-reclusão
  • salary-maternity

See also: Three proposals to increase or payment value of INSS hair in 2020
