Or Brazil ultrapassou neste Saturday, 9, to mark of 10 thousand dead hair novo coronavírus. According to data from the Ministry of Health, or Country with 10,627 deaths. In 24 hours, or registration of confirmed deaths out of 730. São 155,939 confirmed cases of doença in all or Country.
O País já is among the nations with the highest number of deaths pela doença, ranking behind two United States (77,489), Novo Epicenter Mundial da Covid-19, United Kingdom (31,662), Itália (30 395), Espanha (26,299) and França (26,233), European countries that have been punished by viral hair.
Or ranking is based on compiled data from the Johns Hopkins University. Or Brazil has already passed to China, marco zero da covid-19, not April 28.
According to the Ministry of Health, or number of deaths recorded in the last 24 hours, it does not indicate how many people died between one day and another, plus the number or number of deaths that occurred as a confirmed cause or coronavirus in that interval.
Ou seja, this number can contain deaths that occurred previously, more than just recently diagnosed as decorrente do novo coronavírus and registered as official statistics of the Ministry of Health. Mesmo assim, or official number of records vem numa crescente.
Já em number of confirmed cases, according to Johns Hopkins, or Brazil is na oitava posição, behind the United States (1,286,833), Espanha (222,857), Itália (217,185), United Kingdom (212,629), Rússia (198,675 ), França (176,202) and Alemanha (170,643).
During this meeting, specialists affirm that the lockdown is a necessary measure to avoid a further explosion of cases in capitals and metropolitan regions. “Several states are requesting two health services that do not limit and indicate that we will have a strong increase in cases and deaths in the next few weeks. This meeting indicates that the authorities must indicate or lockdown, as it should be associated with years ago. of support for socially vulneráveis populações “, defends epidemiologist Eliseu Alves Waldman, professor of Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP.
Luciana Costa, deputy director of the Institute of Microbiology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), went on to discuss the possibilities of lockdown efficiency. “Or lockdown is the only solution at this time that can provide some efficiency to control the epidemic curve that is in order to stop or get out of control. As social isolation measures are not as popular as they are. This is the consequence of truncated information and opposition messages sent by prefects and governors eo president of the Republic, “he said.
“To people I see that an epidemic can spread very rapidly through more agglomerations and non-local activities. Nothing forfeit that interrupts the new transmission, or Brazil could become the new epicenter of the pandemic, together with the United States”, he says to a specialist at the Laboratory of Genetics and Immunology of Infections in Virais.
As required by law, in order to make the home an obligation and not a recommendation, it has been attached to the government of Pará in the capital, Belém, and in other large cities of the State since February, day 5. In the Northeast region, Maranhão e Ceará decreed similar measures.
In São Paulo, the State where the first death of covid-19, no Country, no day 17 of March, has been taken, as measures of social distance and date of trade have not been extended.
No State of São Paulo, to quarentena vai até or day May 31. The Prefeiture announced a more restrictive vehicle network, which is valid as of the second day, and wants to throw 50% two ruined cars. O State registered the sixth, second time, to the lowest tax of social regulation, 46%. A goal is 60% and ideal to avoid or collapse of the health system is 70%. Na Grande São Paulo, a tax of employment in UTI laws of 90%. No State, it is 70%
Outros countries or Brazil
Or atual moment it became “worrisome” in the opinion of two researchers because Brazil was not at home. Or virologist Flávio Guimarães da Fonseca, who at present does not have a Center for Vaccine Technology (CT Vacinas), affirms that either Brazil wasted the opportunity to observe the evolution of the pandemic in other countries, such as Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, which had previously failed The effects of the pandemic. “In reality from other countries, including Western countries, it could be used as a model to prepare the population. It is not a uniform way in all of Brazil,” he says or researcher from the Department of Microbiology of the UFMG.
It did not begin in March, Italy, for example, was the most shaved country in Europe pela covid-19. Lá, the first death was confirmed on February 21. Quase five weeks depois, or country já ultrapassava as 10 thousand victims. O country delayed to respond to emergencies and registers more than 30 thousand deaths.
Rafaela Rosa-Ribeiro, professor in cellular and structural biology who currently works with a group of virologists not Ospedale San Raffaele in Milão, affirms that she is attending the same film the second time. Or primeiro foi em solo italiano; or second, not Brazil. “It seems a film that is repeating itself as a different roteiro. Itália underestimated doença in a certain way, not because of maldade, but because of ignorance. Fomos or the first country affected by China. Depois, or Chegou country to be praised for few days Quick measures. No March 11th, it was all dated, with the exception of pharmacies and supermarkets. Foram two months of lockdown, “he told a Brazilian scientist. “I have a family not Brazil and I was worried. As people weren’t getting to understand gravidade da doença. Na Itália, you scientists are out there,” he said.
“I understand that Brazil is a very different country from two European countries. It is more difficult to take drastic measures because of the number of people, health and economic conditions. More people who can work at home and companies that could be used by home office officials I am thinking of anything, “he lists.
Baixa testagem
Or infectologist Antonio Bandeira, director of the Brazilian Society of Infectology (SBI) and professor of the Faculty of Technology and Science Uniftc, shows that Brazil also did not prepare itself in relation to testing. Or specialist affirms that either Brazil has 340 thousand tests in number or number in the United States and two thousand years.
Two countries with the highest number of cases, or Brazil are the least. According to the number of tests per 1,000 inhabitants, represented in this sixth-day hair Covid-BR Observatory, the United States registered a mean of 24.4, Spain, 28.9, Italy, 38.3, Alemanha, 32 , 8. Or the non-Brazil index is just 1.4.
“The molecular testing (PCR) needs to be expanded. It is fundamental. Or it allows to capture or number of patients, to help not plan for health and reduce it to underreporting. As a test, it is possible to define or isolate the home so that it is not infected or contaminated. other patients, “he explains.
Due to the lack of tests, Jean Pierre Schatzmann Peron, lead researcher of the Pasteur / USP Platform, which develops studies with focus on anti-bodies and immunopathogen, estimates that the number of contaminants is three to five times the highest in the country. “I can’t get people to test everyone,” he summarizes.
Alexandre Cunha, infectologist of the Sabin Group and vice-president of the Federal District Society of Infectious Diseases, affirms that his main concern is to be at the rate of propagation of the disease and not necessarily as absolute numbers. “Our countries where we managed to manage an epidemic after the health system was overloaded, a fatality was that expected. Our countries with a hospitable situation, but with a health system that had collapsed, had a fatality several times more than in other countries. or suportou system, “he argues. “We are not very concerned with the speed with which these cases are capable of absorbing the health system. No, Brazil, as it is being analyzed in each municipality. Or that it is for a region that may not be a problem for any other municipality. reach or peak at different times “, difference.
Since the coronavirus is easily used by the people, Sylvia Lemos, a consultant in Biosecurity and Control of Infections and also a member of the SBI, affirms that individual care with hygiene and the use of masks are essential to prevent a pandemic. “The habits that we are adopting now will be lifted for life. It is essential to wash as well as water and taste, to do hygiene when to return with alcohol gel. Or ideal to make at home. Se não for possível, é muito It is important to use masks, keep at a distance of a meter, not a minimum, and avoid crowds, “he explains.