STF authorizes access to the video of the ministerial meeting cited by Moro in the deposition | Politics


The Supreme Federal Court allowed the Attorney General of the Republic, the former Minister Sérgio Moro, the delegate of the Federal Police responsible for the case and the Attorney General of the Union to have access to the recording of a meeting cited in court by Moro.

In the decision issued on Saturday (9), the rapporteur of the case, Minister Celso de Mello, said that the material will be shown only once, in Brasilia, on a date to be defined by the delegate Christiane Corrêa Machado.

Celso de Mello points out that punctual and temporary confidentiality continues and that the material is sealed and protected within his office. The dean of the Court also informed that he will decide “in due course, on the total or partial disclosure” of the meeting.

Moro leaves the government 512 days after receiving carte blanche to fight corruption

Moro leaves the government 512 days after receiving carte blanche to fight corruption

Sergio Moro announced his resignation on April 24. In the ad, he accused President Jair Bolsonaro of trying to interfere with the Federal Police. In light of the statements, the Attorney General’s Office asked, and the STF opened an investigation to investigate the charges. Bolsonaro denies having committed irregularities.

Moro gave a statement of more than eight hours, on the last day 2, at the Federal Police Superintendency (PF) in Curitiba. He was asked about the allegations that Bolsonaro tried to interfere in the work of the Federal Police (PF) and in consultations related to family members. The charges were made by the former minister when he announced his departure from government on April 24.

Moro’s testimony was motivated by an investigation opened by Minister Celso de Mello, at the request of the Office of the Attorney General (PGR), to determine if Bolsonaro tried to interfere politically in the PF.

This alleged interference was the reason why Moro pointed out in a statement for leaving the government. The former minister made this announcement when the “Diário Oficial da União” published the dismissal of the director general of the PF, the delegate Mauricio Valeixo. According to the former minister, he had no prior knowledge of the director’s resignation.
