Inspection points for the flow of people are beginning to be implemented in Fortaleza; see photos | Coronavirus – Latest Coronavirus news


Inspection points begin to be implemented in Fortaleza as part of the strictest decree of social isolation

Inspection points begin to be implemented in Fortaleza as part of the strictest decree of social isolation (Photo: Júlio Caesar / O POVO)

The barriers of inspection of the flow of people began to be implemented on Thursday night, 7, in Fortaleza, as part of the series of measures of the strictest decree of social isolation in the Capital, which will begin this Friday, 8.

In total, control barriers will be implemented at the seven entrances to the Capital. In addition to the mobile bases on the lower flow routes, around 20 fixed bombings must be installed on the main roads of Fortaleza. One of the first to test its operation was on Avenida Aguanambi, around 8 pm on Thursday. At the beginning of the operation, the Secretary of Public Security and Social Defense of Ceará (SSPDS), André Costa, attended.

On the matter

According to the secretary, the initial purpose of the inspection points will be “to guide, sensitize and sensitize the population about the duty to comply with the measures of isolation of houses”. André pointed out that, in the event of resistance or non-compliance with the guidelines of the security agents, they are authorized to use force. These situations can be classified as a crime according to article 268 of the Brazilian Penal Code, which establishes a fine and imprisonment of up to one year for failure to comply with the sanitary determination to prevent the spread of any disease.

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The inspection system in the Capital took into account the social isolation rates of each neighborhood. Those with lower levels of insulation will have priority in the inspection, the secretary explained. For better operation efficiency, the city was divided into approximately 100 quadrants based on data from the video surveillance system of the Municipal Traffic and Citizenship Authority (AMC), of the Ceará State Traffic Department (Detran-CE) and the complaints registered by the agglomeration of people 190.

A team of 300 military police officers, reinforced with the forces of the Fire Department, AMC, Detran-CE and the Tourist Police Battalion (BPTUR) will work in the monitoring working group. To enhance the action, an event logging application will be used.

In the application, each approach carried out in fixed or mobile stations and by land patrols must be recorded, collecting data from the people and vehicles boarded, the use or not of a protective mask and the framing or not in situations that justify leaving home. The data will be stored and, in cases of recurrence, those involved can be evaluated, explained André Costa.

With information from the photographic reporter of THE VILLAGEJulius Caesar

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